Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What we've been doing

Thursday Marcus found a caterpillar when he got home (for those of you that don't know, he gets home about 7am, before i get up). He left me a note telling me that he had a surprise for Kaylee on the kitchen table. Thank goodness he warned me cause I would have been mighty surprised to find that on the table as we sat down for breakfast. Kaylee enjoyed looking at, holding, AND letting the caterpillar go. I enjoyed getting to clean up caterpillar poop, as if cleaning up after two children isn't enough.

Friday Marcus found another surprise for Kaylee in the yard. This time he left me a note saying "I have another surprise for Kaylee. It's in the box out in the garage, I'm not sure what to feed it. Good Luck!"

It was a fairly small box turtle.

I had no idea what to feed it either, I figured it would like a little celery and some carrots so that's what I gave him. When Kaylee met Tiny, that's what we named him, she loved him. She wanted to hold him and rub his shell, all the time. She wasn't patient enough to sit and wait for him to come out. We noticed that he was not eating the food i gave him so we did some research on what a box turtle likes to eat. We ended up giving him a smorgasbord. He had organic celery and carrots, a worm, dandelion greens, peaches, a few bits of dog food, and an organic apple (not in the picture).

The only stinkin thing he even took a bite of in 4 days was the apple. By the way all of the things i listed were among the "recommended" food items on the websites we found. Today we decided to let Tiny go. Marcus and Kaylee put him out in the yard and watched him GO. He took shelter under some mulch that is under one of our down spouts.

Marcus snapped this pic of Kaylee after releasing Tiny. She loves spending time with her daddy!

Saturday evening Marcus was rubbing Tahoe's ears when all of a sudden Tahoe whimpered in pain. When Marcus took a closer look he noticed that Tahoe had a hematoma in his ear. We only knew what it was because we went through this exact same thing with him last summer before our trip to Mexico, but it was his other ear. We called the vet about it yesterday morning, and he had an appointment that afternoon. The vet decided to go ahead and do his surgery immediately, so we left him there over night. The surgery went well, and Marcus went to pick him up this afternoon. He is on 3 different meds, his ear needs to be cleaned throughout the day, and he is scheduled for 2 follow-up appointments to get his stitches out. Hopefully now that he has had the surgery on BOTH ears we wont have to worry about this problem again.

Tahoe was excited to get to ride in the back of the Merc for the first time, even though it was because he needed to go to the vet.

He has to stay in his kennel for the next couple of days while he recovers. Poor Tahoe!

Mother's Day

I enjoyed a fabulous Mother's Day! It started with Marcus waking up with not only Kaylee (which is his usual job on Sunday mornings) but Ainslee too. He let me sleep in for 1 1/2 hours......WHAT A TREAT! We all got ready to go over to my parents house and visit for a couple of hours before heading to dinner with Marcus' mom. Even though Ainslee wasn't happy in the restaurant, Kaylee was ready to go to bed 2 hours before we left, and Marcus and I were only able to eat about 5 bites of our meal, we had a great time. All in all it was a wonderful day.

I have to tell you about last night too. Kaylee has been in another one of her sleeping phases. As most moms know kids go through all sorts of growth spurts and phases. Some where they eat more, some where they eat less, some where they sleep more or less, and combinations of them.Kaylee is in a 'eat more, sleep more phase' while Ainslee is in a 'eat less, sleep more phase'. Anyways, Kaylee has been sleeping like her old self lately. Last night she slept 15 1/2 hours! It was so great to be able to get her down at 6 again. And what was even better is that Ainslee slept 8 hours straight, woke up and nursed and then slept another 4 hours. Am I finally gonna start getting some decent sleep? I cant wait!!!

Tomorrow we are headed to our last Kindermusik class. BOO HOO!!! I am really going to miss it, and I know Kaylee is going to miss it too. Thursday we have to go for a tour of Kaylee's "new school", hopefully we wont get asked to leave again. Then she is spending the night at my moms. Yippee! My sister is taking her to gymnastics on Friday, then out to lunch. I will have to pick her up to run errands after nap. Man......looks like we have a busy week ahead of us!

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