Monday, May 25, 2009

Play by Play - Part 4

We hit the road at 7am, went straight to pick up John from his friends' house. Ainslee slept the entire way, so we grabbed John and hit the road. We decided to try and go a different way on the way home, I hope we are making the right decision.

Holy moly! It is now 11:30am. Ainslee slept 3 1/2 hours in her seat and then was awake AND happy for another 30 minutes. We stopped for a bathroom break, changed 2 diapers, nursed and were back on the road. I think we are bringing a different baby home with us, because what I am looking at us definitely NOT my baby. She is happy, sticking her tongue out, smiling, and "talking". She expecially loves it when uncle John talks and plays with her.

Alright we just stopped for lunch and gas. Ainslee got to meet her great aunt and uncle, we stopped just a few miles away from their house in Arnold, MO. We weren't there too long as the road was calling our name, it missed us and wanted our company again. I feel like at this point the road is becoming a good friend of mine. So now after a full tank of gas and full bellies we are on the home stretch.

We have seen approximately 50 cops with cars pulled over along the interstate today. At one point my dad pointed out a sign that said "happy memorial day, please do not exceed the speed limit. Police will be radaring every 5 miles." And they weren't lying! At one point we saw 4 cars pulled over in a span of only a 1/2 mile. Talk about a warning, they told people what was going to happen and they still choose to speed.

I'm not sure if it was because Ainslee was happier on the way home or the new route we choose, but the ride home seemed so much faster. Based on the clock in the car it really didn't save us too much time, but it sure felt like it!


Well almost home. We are back at my parents house. My mom went to get Kaylee while I nurse Ainslee, then the 3 of us are heading home. We had a great trip, but it always feels good to be home.

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