Thursday, May 28, 2009

Growing up SO fast

Ainslee played in her exersaucer for the first time today. She is still a bit small for it so used a blanket to help prop her up. She loved looking at and trying to touch the toys, and Kaylee loved spinning her around and playing with her in it. She is growing so fast. Marcus asked me this morning, "when will she be crawling?" I told him soon enough!

Oh and Ainslee laughed for the first time yesterday! I almost cried, it was so sweet. I was SO mad that I didnt have a camera or my phone or anything to capture it. She laughed at Kaylee going up the stairs. We were all 3 headed upstairs, I was carrying Ainslee, obviously, and Kaylee was in front of us. all of a sudden I heard Ainslee laughing, I looked at her and she was staring at Kaylee. She laughed and laughed! Kaylee even turned around and asked me why she was laughing. We dont know what tickled her, but it was so sweet to witness. These small things are what make me so happy to be a mom.

1 comment:

Confessions said...

ok, LOVE the new background. SO CUTE! and ainslee laughed?!?! OMG. i can't wait to hear her!