Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Sleepy and Rolling Momma's Girl

I have been waking Ainslee up for a feeding almost every night now for the past month or so. She always goes down at least 3 hours before I go to bed so I figured I might as well wake her so I don't have to wake up shortly after getting to sleep. I always struggle with myself about waking her, I think I have found that she does better when I don't wake her. This is the third time I didn't wake her and she did really good. She went almost 10 hours! Now there have been a few times where I didn't wake her and she didn't do that good. But I think my new get more sleep strategy is not to wake her after getting her down to bed. Oh and PART II of that strategy is go to bed earlier! I don't know why I just can't get that part down. So I'm going to be trying this for the next couple of nights to see if my theory is correct.

I have to confess........ many of my blog posts are actually written in the middle of the night (as was this one). While I lay awake in bed during Ainslee's feeding I write posts, blog surf, make grocery lists, send emails, among other things. This is what I saw last night when I looked down, Ainslee trying to cover her eyes while she nurses. You think she is telling me not multitask while feeding her?
So then during the day, when my brain is more awake, I edit and actually post what I have written. I am never able to fall back asleep or even really close my eyes while my babies are in the bed. Plus my brain is going 90 MPH and if I don't write down what I am thinking it will be lost forever.

This post was intended to tell you how close Ainslee is to rolling over. She has been showing signs for the past couple of days now, and I knew it was getting close. Well today I left her with my mom while Kaylee and I ran errands and mom called me to tell me she actually DID roll over (front to back). I was ecstatic! But then I was sad I wasn't there to see it. Here is a pic of her the other day when she was really close to rolling from back to front.

It is kinda hard to tell by the picture but she really was close to rolling over

If you haven't figured it out by now......Kaylee is a Daddy's girls through and through! There's no way around it! She's absolutely adores her daddy! Now Ainslee on the other hand is a momma's girl.......at least for now. This is most likely because I am her primary source of food and her primary diaper changer and pretty much primary every thing else as well. But it is more likely she is a momma's girl because this is just a phase. It has to be just a phase. I keep telling myself "this is just a phase, this is just a phase.". As much as I want her to love/ want her mommy, I am ready for her to "want" to be with other people and be ok with it. She screams every time someone else holds her. And I mean anyone besides me! At first I thought something was wrong, like she was in pain again or something, but when I take her in my arms, she quits crying immediately, I realized that was not the problem. Oh no! What am I going to do until this phase is over? Especially since she is staying with the first "non relative" babysitter ever this weekend while we are in Chicago. I hope she can handle it. By "she," I mean the babysitter! i remember very clearly when Kaylee went through this phase. I remember Marcus being devastated that his daughter screamed every time he held her. He kept asking me "when is she going to like me?" I responded "trust me, soon enough! She is going to love you!" And I was right, the time has definitely come!

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