Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fat and Happy

Not quite as fat as her big sister but just as happy!

Ainslee had her 4 month check-up yesterday and is weighing in at a whopping 15.5 lbs and measuring 24.5 inches long. That puts her in the 90% for weight and the 50% for height.

By this age Kaylee was already 19 lbs and wearing 9-12 month clothes. Ainslee is fitting pretty nicely in her 6 month clothes now.

Despite the differences in size they both are/ were HAPPY babies. Ainslee is laughing more and more these days. I had her going the other day so good. Even in the doctors office, one of the nurses came in our room after hearing her laughing so hard. There is nothing sweeter than a baby's laugh! We will see if she grows up to have her sisters sense of humor.

As for everything else......
I've been busy mentally and physically planning/ packing for our upcoming trip(s). We are heading to St. Louis this weekend for our family reunion. We will also be hitting some fun places for Kaylee, including the Magic House and the Science Center. Kaylee will be going straight from St. Louis to Florida with my parents for a week. I will be back to being a mommy of 1 for a few days, until Marcus, Ainslee and I drive down to Florida to join them for the second week. That means Kaylee is getting 2 weeks in Florida. She is going to have so much fun!!! And we are too! I am looking forward to all the swimming and sun. I just can't wait!
Oh and in between all our last minute play dates (and everything else) I have been trying to spend a little time working on "the big switch." Each of the girls' clothes are in their respective rooms. Kaylee's new crib is set up, organic mattress and all (I was really happy when I found this one at Target for $100). The lanterns are hung. The curtains are finished and hung. Now all that needs to be done is the circles on the wall. Hang light in one of the lanterns. Make hamper liner. Picture frames filled and hung. Purchase big girl mattress and box spring. And, well, I think that about does it.
I am going to try and put Kaylee down for her nap tomorrow in her new room and see how that goes. I'll let you know. And if all goes well, she just might start sleeping in there at bedtime too.
Yeah! Then Ainslee can move to her new bed and Marcus and I can have our room back to ourselves. How exciting!

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