Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When it rains, it pours

Here is the 3rd bad thing to go with the other 2 that happened late last week.

Kaylee slipped on the stairs last night. She cried longer than usual and wanted to be held longer than usual, but like I said she only slipped on the stairs she didn't even fall. We really didn't think much of if cause she has been pretty whiny lately. But when we let her down and she attempted to walk, that's when I became concerned. She walked a few steps with a very noticeable limp and then wouldn't walk any further. She wanted to be carried everywhere the rest of the night. She was more sedentary last night than she has ever been, including when she was a baby. She has ALWAYS been on the go! I called her pediatrician last night to ask what we should do. She assured me that we wouldn't do any more damage by leaving it until the morning. She didn't seem in any pain, well unless she put pressure on it, there was little or no swelling and no discoloration. We decided that we would try getting through the night and reevaluate in the morning. I figured if it was still bothering her in the morning after she had "forgotten" about it, then I would bring her in to be looked at. When I went to get her this morning she was sitting in her crib rather than standing like she usually, but I thought no big deal. Then I tried to stand her up in the crib and she wouldn't put pressure on it but she didn't wince in pain or anything. I figured let me try putting her down and letting her walk, well the second I put her down she let out a moan. And said "my ankle still hurts, I walk on 1 foot mommy." I knew then that something must be wrong. I carried her the rest of the morning everywhere she needed/ wanted to go. When Marcus got home we decided I would take her in, but I wasn't quite sure if I should take her to her pediatrician or to an orthopedic. I should have followed my gut, but didn't! Especially since we were reffered to a "horrible" orthopedic. I'll explain more later.

Under the advice from her pediatrician , I took her to her doctor1st and was sent to an orthopedic after that. After a MASSIVE struggle to get her calm enough to take the x-rays the doctor told me that they didn't see anything on the first 3 x-rays they took. And they couldn't figure out why she wouldn't put pressure on it. So she decided to x-ray her foot and that is when they saw the 2 fractures on the top of her foot. We had to bribe her with a lollipop and keep me in the room holding her to be able to get the second set of x-rays. She was absolutely terrified of that machine. She was shaking, it was so sad watching her be so afraid.

After they found the fractures they gave me the choice of a boot or a cast. I first choose the boot, but then after thinking about all the advantages and disadvantages I decided that a cast would be better. She was fitted with her purple cast without a fuss. I even paid the extra 40 bucks to get the water-proof cast so that she could bathe as usual and wouldn't have to worry about getting it wet.

It took her a little while to figure out how to walk in her "new shoe", as she calls it. But by the time we got home she was running around the whole house. She has only said "I ready to take this off now" one time so far. I really think that she forgets that it is on sometimes. She seems to be adjusting to it in the sleep department too, she went down for her nap fine and for bedtime too. However, she has woken up twice already, but lately that has been the case anyways so I cant really blame that on the cast. She is down for the night now......hopefully.

After this huge ordeal today I couldn't even take her out to lunch, because!!! YEP! I had no money, no wallet, no insurance card, NOTHING! I swear I would forget my head sometimes if it weren't attached!

Ok, back to the reason why I didn't like the orthopedic doctor AT ALL! I understand that they "worked us in," but actually I never even asked for them to do that in the first place. She cant have the excuse that she was too busy, because the waiting room was empty. The doctor never even came in our room and sat down. Our visit went like this. The nurse brought us from the waiting room to our room. She wrote down on Kaylee's chart what happened to her and told me that the tech would be coming to get her and take her to x-ray. After the x-rays we waited in the room for the doctor to give us the results. She came in told us nothing was broken, she pushed and prodded on her ankle for literally a few seconds (like I said didn't even sit down). I asked her what we were going to do since she wont put pressure on it. She said "I guess we will go ahead and put a cast on it, because there are areas that are difficult to see with an x-ray. And that could be the problem, like if it is in the growth plate." That was pretty much a direct quote. Then she said "let me x-ray her foot too." I thought to myself "what the heck did you just x-ray?" But apparently the first time they focused more on her ankle than her foot. After giving me the news that she found 2 fractures, she still hadn't been in the room for more than 5 minutes at one time, probably not even 5 minutes TOTAL! She got upset when I changed my mind from a boot to a cast, even though the cast was what she recommended. I heard her make a few comments about us out in the hall, which didn't make me happy either. We were sent to a different room to have the cast put on, but I still had more questions to ask her. I asked her a few while she was passing by in the hall, but she didn't even stop to answer them, she didnt come to check on us, to see if everything was ok, to make sure I didn't have any more questions and understood everything. I had to ask the nurse who put the cast on some of my questions as well. All in all I just didn't leave there happy. I felt like we were a burden on her, like we weren't welcome there. That is not the way I like to feel when I leave the doctors office, ESPECIALLY when it is regards to my child. I know I am not the best at thinking of all my questions at the appropriate time, and I was really really flustered today by everything that was going on. I just wish that she could have made me feel more comfortable. I really hope that I don't have to bring Kaylee back there for her follow-up appointment and to get her cast removed. Anyone know of a good pediatric orthopedic? Are my expectations of doctors too high? Am I just crazy? I know I should probably be better at asserting myself when I am in that kind of situation, I regret not being more of an advocate for my child today. I dont think she received horrible care, I just felt like the whole situation could have been better (mostly for me, I think she was happy through it all). if that weren't enough excitement for 1 day Ainslee decided to try and get some attention of her own. She seemed to be running a fever all day, but since we were out all day I didn't get a chance to check it until tonight. She surprised me with a 101.7 fever. I know that this is probably from her shots on Monday, but it doesn't take away the fear that sets in when your baby isn't behaving normally. She seemed happy most of the day, a little more cranky at times but that was not too bad. She had a runny nose, felt warm, and wasn't nursing normally. I just hope that she can bounce back quickly from this, it is so hard watching her not feel well.

Disclaimer: I know some of you were so mad at me that you found out about this on FB or on the blog today, but honestly my phone died in the middle of the day so I had to put it in the car to charge. But also, with all the commotion there was no way that I was going to be able to call everyone. I apologize if I hurt your feelings. But guess what, the only person I called was my mom. I didnt leave SOME people out of the loop I left everyone out of the loop

1 comment:

Wanting What I Have said...

Wow. You called it when you said things like this happen in threes...

Hang in there. Things have got to look up!