Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesdays Twelve

1. I have been trying really hard to trust Kaylee and give her some independence when we are out in public, and yesterday seemed to be no different. I was holding her hand in the store when she decided that she wanted to walk by herself, I agreed after she said "I stay right by mommy!" As I walk faster than her she began running to stay next to me. I figured that was fine, she could burn off a little extra energy. Then when it was time I told her to hold my hand, but instead of insisting I let her away with not listening (poor judgement) because soon after that she fell and split her lip open. Kaylee is one TOUGH cookie. She rarely cries when she gets hurt and if she does cry she stops almost immediately. I used to think that she had some sort of problem with her pain sensors, but have since decided that they are fine, she just has a high tolerance for pain. Anyways after falling I figured it must be bad for the way she was bawling, but her lip looked ok. Then all of a sudden the blood started gushing out. I was scrambling to find something to soak it up with. Then a man and his child came up and the father ran to get some tissues. He broke open the tissues and gave them to me, I was able to finally calm her enough to look at her lip. It looked good, and we went to the bathroom to clean up. The man put the remainder of the tissues in his basket and paid for them, how sweet of him! After all the commotion was over Kaylee was left with a pretty fat lip and some M&M's for the pain.

2. Ainslee had her 6 month check-up yesterday. She weighed in at 18.2 lbs and measured 25.5 inches long (I think she was over 26 inches, but the nurse didn't quite measure her correctly). Nonetheless she is in the 90% for weight and 50% for height. She did really great with all the poking and prodding, and even her shots. The 1st one didn't phase her, the second she gave a little fuss, and by the third one she was like "what the heck are they doing to me?" She stopped crying after about 10 seconds and seemed to be ok the rest of the day. I hope that she rests well tonight.

3. Ainslee has added a few more foods to her diet, broccoli, cauliflower, pasta (GF of course), apples, and turkey. I think that is all we have tried. She loves them all, however the broccoli seems to be making her a bit to gassy so we are stopping that for awhile. I have my eyes set on some pumpkin and plum for her next foods to try, we will see how they go over with her.

4. Kaylee is 2 weeks away from starting MDO. I am so excited for her, I know she is going to LOVE it! I hope that I am able to cut down on the novel I wrote for her teachers. You know they have you fill out a "get to know your child" form, and I cant seem to answer in short sentences. All my answers are like paragraphs. They are going to think I am a crazy obsessed mom, but then again I am a CRAZY and OBSESSED mom. And I am ok with that!

5. We are 18 days away from our big trip to Boston. I know I shouldn't be but I am nervous! I have so much to pack and prepare for. And with the new luggage fees, we are going to be spending so much money just for our "baby supplies". The fact that Ainslee is having MUCHO trouble nursing and even more trouble nursing in public with all the distractions, I'm not exactly sure what I am going to do about the take-off and landing. I just hope that she turns out to be a good traveller like her big sister. Look out Boston HERE.WE.COME!!!

6. Kaylee has still been a little "out of sorts" lately. I tried blaming it on the 2 molars she was cutting, but now that they are in I am not quite sure what to blame her erratic behavior on. I do think that she has a yeast infection, so maybe that is the cause. Or the fact that she banged her head on the concrete floor today. Heck, cant a girl catch a break?

7. Ainslee is really close to having her 1st tooth erupt, even Dr. Best mentioned how close they were to coming in.

8. I am hopfully about to start a new "job" to help bring in some much needed spending money. I'll keep you posted on that as it progresses.

9. Tahoe had his first bath in I dont know how long. I honestly dont think he has had a bath since Kaylee was born. How neglectful are we? He sure does look like a new dog

10. Marcus and I are COMPLETELY obsessed with Hell's Kitchen......Thank God for Tivo!

11. After much deliberation and stress Marcus was finally able to assist his mom with the purchase of her new car. And Acura RDX, what as sweet ride for Amma Rita. And Kaylee loved being able to ride in it for the first time yesterday.

12. I FINALLY found the last item on Kaylee's school supply list. It only took me about 6 stores to find JUMBO crayons. Now if I could find a way to have them use cloth napkins and towels instead of 4,000 paper towels, I would be a happy camper. I am going to be on a mission this year. I just hope that I am not the mom that all the teachers talk about. Oh well if I am!

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