Monday, August 31, 2009

Breastfeeding is Offensive

I recently read this on a blog that I follow..... I absolutely love it!

What do you think??

This is not my original content, it was found here and I would like to share it with you. I could not find an original author to credit, but if you are the author contact me and I will credit you!

I'm thankful for not having ta tas thrown in my face all the time by offensive and indecent breastfeeding mothers like the ones below:

Wait...Well, this is a bad example. Let's try again.

Hmm...Just a minute. I'm sure I can find better ones than these...

Eh, still not offensive enough. I'll check one more time.

That is better. LOOK AT THAT! I see about a half inch. DISGUSTING.

UGH. Look at that indecency! She must be from some third world country to be exposed like that!
Now that's just...There are no words to descripe how inappropriate that is. Something needs to be done!

But why stop at breasfeeding women? There are ta tas everywhere. Beware! If you thought the above photos were offensive, you WILL DEFINITELY be offended by the photos below.
Not this one, though. This one was in plain view on news stands and in mail boxes in 19 countries world wide!
Not this one, either. This one actually won an award!
Oh, and I guess this one is fine too. Everyone knows you can't sell jeans without someone being topless.
Or beer, for that matter.
Or sunglasses.
Or movie tickets.
Or CDs...

You know what? Maybe I'm crazy, but I think that someone mixed up some photos here. The first batch are offensive, but the second batch are just fine and dandy???

People who live in glass bras:
Shouldn't throw stones:

If you think women have the right to breastfeed their children no matter where they are, please repost this...comment vote it popular whatever . Support breastfed babies and their right to eat in public!

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