Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Where did that come from?

Kaylee was helping Marcus unload the groceries out of the car the other day. Marcus hands Kaylee something for her to carry in and she gives it back to him and says "heavy daddy." so Marcus gives her something lighter, to which she replies the same thing. This happened a few more times before Marcus just decided to carry everything in himself while Kaylee followed behind. When they got inside I questioned why Kaylee was not 'helping' and Marcus explained. Then he turned to Kaylee and asked "is daddy heavy?" Kaylee said "ESS!" Then he asked "is mommy heavy," and she said "NO!"

When we were in the car the other day I heard Kaylee in the back seat talking to herself. This is a very common occurance, but this time she was saying something new. She said "Ainslee freaking out, Ainslee freaking out". Then I remembered that when I was talking on the phone I said those exact words to Marcus. A few minutes later she was in the backseat saying "blah blah blah". I must have said that while on the phone too.

I was getting Kaylee ready for bed the other night and we were in her room. She was being her usual wild self jumping around when all of a sudden she stopped, turned, looked at me and said "I fart". I was like where in the world did you hear that? I never say that word! She is so GROSS!

Instead of saying "no thank you" when she doesn't want something, she either says "no" and then does the sign for thank you. Or she says "no please". It is really funny.

'Bob Buller' is her new favorite friend. After learning about Bob the Builder from books that Auntie Ceire got her from the library, Kaylee is obsessed with him. She picks at least 1 Bob book for naptime and bedtime every single day. And she sings his song throughout the day, it goes something like this......"Bob Buller fick it? Ess can!" She knows most of the characters in the show, bizzy (that's really dizzy) and rolly, and Endy (that's Wendy), and Lofty. However she still won't sit down and watch even part a 30 minute episode. After the theme song is over at the beginning she gets up and moves on to something else.

Kaylee loves to be called "good girl Kaylee". I try to praise her for all the things she does, to help reinforce positive behaviors. She will do something she knows is wrong and then say "good girl Kaylee". As if she is asking if she is a good girl. It is so hard to keep a straight face when she throws her plate of food on the floor and then says "good girl Kaylee". Today I asked her to do something for me while I was nursing Ainslee. She said "NO". So I said "that is NOT a good girl Kaylee," she immediately went and did what I asked and then came to me and said "good girl Kaylee?" I said "YES! Good girl Kaylee". I wonder how long that is going to last.

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