Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ainslee's Ultrasound

Ainslee has had quite a rough couple of weeks. She is having some stomach problems and we are unsure of the cause. Her pediatrician ordered an ultrasound her stomach last Friday, and the results showed that it was working properly; however, her problems still remain. I do have to say that Ainslee did so GREAT during the ultrasound. The techs were so surprised at how well she did, even after not eating for 3.5 hours. I was so very proud of her! So Monday they prescribed her some medication, and told me to stay away from dairy for at least 2 more weeks. So is there anyone out there who would be willing to be there for me, I am in need of moral support in my gluten free and dairy free journey. It is so hard finding food to eat! So any one who wants to try this diet voluntarily let me know and we can share ideas.

Here are a few pictures

1 comment:

Confessions said...

You can do it, Michele!! I'm so sorry you are having to cut out that many more foods. Go get you a steak. :)