Thursday, March 26, 2009

My new niche

I think i have finally settled into my role as a mother of 2.

Today I felt like I was back to my old self. I felt well rested. I am mobile. I was able to get stuff done again.

Here's how my day went, I was pretty pleased with how much I got accomplished.

We went to run errands this morning. Which included picking up lunch for a friend. After errands we dropped off lunch to my friend and visited for a very brief time before rushing home to get a snack before nap time. While at home I was able to unload and load the dishwasher, do a load of laundry, vacuum downstairs, give both girls a bath, make a casserole for dinner, get some computer work done (when the internet was actually working), get the car loaded to go to my parents house for dinner, and then home by myself to put both girls to bed. Its not quite what I used to be able to accomplish in one day but it is getting close. Overall I considered this a pretty successful day.

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