Thursday, January 29, 2009


"Patience is a virtue, have them if you can. Seldom in a woman, but never in a man."

This is a quote that my mother in law uses often. When I tried researching its author I came across another version of this quote "Patience is a virtue. Possess it if you can! Found seldom in a woman, and NEVER in a man" author unknown

I never really thought too much about it until recently. I feel like every ounce of patience that I "DID" have is completely gone! I'm not saying that I had much to begin with, and I know Marcus would agree that I have very little patience because he tells me just about every day. But in the past week or so I have noticed a significant decrease in my level of patience; in all aspects of my life. I see myself more annoyed by things that don't even concern me, like other drivers on the road, or things I see on TV. But on a more personal level I see myself being annoyed by some of the things that Kaylee does (more so the things she doesn't do), and I am sure that I have been more impatient when it comes to Marcus as well. "Marcus feel free to keep your comments to yourself!"

After last nights "adventure" I realized that it is completely out of my control and I just need a little more patience. This baby will come when he/she is ready to come, not necessarily when I am ready for him/her. Because God knows I am READY for this baby to come! So I am going to try my hardest to muster up any remaining patience I have and try to relax for the rest of this pregnancy. I will probably end up enjoying the next few weeks instead of feeling so uncomfortable and miserable.

I'm not quite sure if my mother in law reads my blog, but if so then......
"I thank you for teaching me that quote, it is very meaningful to me in my present state and I am sure that it will help me through these last few weeks."

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