Monday, January 5, 2009

A Few Maternity Pics

My friend Bethany took a few pictures of me and my belly. I really regret not having any pictures of me when i was pregnant with Kaylee. i wanted to make sure that i have them this time around, cause who knows this could be the last time i am pregnant (boo hoo, i am crying on the inside at the thought of that). Kaylee was not too cooperative this particular day, so Bethany has agreed to try again another day, and hope that she is in a better mood. Marcus, on the other hand, was MORE than cooperative! Haha

I tried really hard to pick a few of my favorites from the hundreds of pictures she took, keep in mind we have not photoshopped the backgrounds yet, so you still see our messy living room in the background.

If anyone has any special event that you want to have documented I totally recommend giving my friend Bethany a call. She has an awesome eye for photography and is great with kids too! I have been so impressed with all her work, not just the pictures she took of us.

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