Friday, January 23, 2009

Funny Coincidence

Last night a package was delivered to our front door during dinner. Mary, Kaylee, and me were sitting at the kitchen table enjoying our beef and broccoli when the door bell rang. Tahoe went crazy, barking, and charging at the door. Kaylee asks "was dat?" I go and see that UPS had just delivered the package I had been expecting. Kaylee asks again, "was dat, a-ma?" (that's her new name for grandma) Mary said "No, its not grandma." Then she went through every ones name asking if they were here, finally I said "Kaylee that was the UPS man." To which she responds "ups?" Mary and I died laughing. She loves saying the word "ups" she says it when she wants you to sit down, or when she wants you to pick her up, but this time she said it right on cue when I spelled UPS. It was quite funny. Kaylee joined in with us laughing, but had NO IDEA why we were laughing!


Crista and Harry said...

okay...but you never told us what was in the package!

Anonymous said...

that's daugther when she was almost two if you asked her what p-i-z-z-a was for she knew it and she would say for pizza and when we drove by a Pizza Hut she would say pizza
