Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's Almost "that" Time!!!

If you haven't already voted on the sex of this baby, time might just be running short!

I had my first "exam" check up today, and found that I am

3 FULL cm dilated and

50% effaced!

I knew that I had made SOME progress I just didn't think that I would be 3 cm already. I don't know why I am freaking out so bad cause I could walk around for weeks like this without making anymore progress. But I have been saying for some time now that this baby is coming early! And I still think that he might! My next appointment is next Wednesday I will keep you all posted, unless something happens before then (probably not, but you never know).........better go get the car seat down and my hospital bags packed.

1 comment:

Crista and Harry said...

I'm convinced you are having a wait...a boy...or, it could be a I'm positive...definitely a boy, well...maybe a girl...