The other day when I pulled into the garage and opened my car door I got a fright. (HA! thats another Irish saying, not sure why those keep slipping out, but they do). Anyways, I opened the door and heard a loud banging noise coming from the window, I looked up and saw a bird STUCK in between the blinds and the window, flapping its little heart out trying desperately to escape. I screamed and jumped back into the car and slammed the door. I really DO try and not have such strange reactions to things like that especially when the girls are around, but I just couldnt help it. When I got back in the car Kaylee asked "what happened momma?" I said "that birdie is stuck, and mommy needs to help get it out." She said "did it scare you haffen to deff?" I proceeded to devise a little plan and ultimately free the poor little birdie who then flew away to find his mommy (as Kaylee so proudly announced). Last week Kaylee was playing with some toys that we keep in a plastic bucket, she accidentally dropped the bucket on the tile floor and it made a VERY loud banging noise. I jumped (nearly out of my shoes) and turned to see what that noise was. She must have seen the terrified look on my face and said "mommy did that scare you haffen to deff?"Now it is just a running little joke around here, sometimes I ask her to say it just because I like how she says it. TOO FUNNY!-----------------------------
New things about Ainslee
Ainslee has said a few words. She says "more," "abba," "momma," "dadda," and "woof woof" for Tahoe. Well actually the sound she makes for Tahoe is more of a grunt/ moan sorta of sound if you can imagine what I am trying to say. Either way she is starting to be more interested in talking lately.
She has learned to become very frustrated with Kaylee. Whenever Kaylee comes and takes food off of Ainslee's tray (which is an every meal occurrence) she screams/ grunts and looks at me with desperate eyes trying to get me to help her. She does the same thing whenever Kaylee takes a toy away from her. Funny how she knows how to communicate.
She is currently in the process of cutting tooth #3 AND #4. I can see the white ridges under her gums, but they havent quite poked through yet. And both of them are on the bottom too. So that will make 4 teeth on bottom and none on top, I must check the top tomorrow to see if there is any action going on up there that I have just missed.
She has gotten much more comfortable on her feet, she still doesnt act like she is strong enough to walk yet, I know that sounds weird, but I cant figure out how to describe it any differently. But she is able to stand up by herself when in the middle of the room, without holding on to anything. She has done it a couple of times so far.
She is still eating everything in sight.
Still has a self imposed bedtime of 5:30-6pm (depending on the days activities). She will wake up one time a night to nurse, but is not on a regular schedule in that regard, like this morning she didnt wake up until 5:15am and then went back to bed until I had to wake her up to take Kaylee to school at 8:30. But some nights she will wake up for a feeding around midnight. The fact that she still wakes up really doesnt bother me (like I thought it would), I just wish I was able to sleep while she sleeps, Ive been having trouble in that regard lately.
She has started weening herself from nursing/ bottles (but thats info for a whole nother post)
And last, but not least, she is STILL a momma's girl to the core! I think I have made a few mistakes to cause this. When Kaylee was her age, she was used to other people (Marcus, grandparents, aunts) putting her down for naps or bedtime and giving bottles. Ainslee just isnt really comfortable with anyone else but me. And I hope this doesnt become a bigger issue than it is now, because it is definitely manageable now. She WILL go down and WILL take a bottle from others, but puts up a little fight in the process.
I think that is all that is new with little AZ AZ. Oh except that her big birthday is just around the corner......GOSH how time flies!