Saturday, February 28, 2009

2 Week Check-up

Ainslee had her 2 week check up yesterday. I can't tell you for sure how she is growing because I think their scale was malfunctioning and nurse was on crack!

The 1st time she put her on the scale she tried to tell me she weighed 11.6 lbs. I questioned this measurement, but was immediately silenced by the nurse who assured me she was correct. I attempted to question her again, then decided to just let it go and ask the doctor about it. So when her doctor came into the room I asked her what she thought and she laughed when I told her that the nurse said she weighed 11.6 lbs. The Dr took her back to the room to get weighed again and came back saying she weighed 8lbs 11oz. I thought once again there is NO WAY she weighs that much! So I really have no idea how much she weighs I would guess around 8 lbs. She has grown about 1/2 in length.

The doctor also suggested that I limit my dairy intake to help with her gassiness and her reflux. So far last night and today she did great. We will see if that will be enough to help settle her stomach before we resort to medication. Kaylee spent the night at grandma's house last night which made my night MUCH easier! THANKS GRANDMA!!! And what's even better is she is staying at Ceire's tonight! Yipee.........I wont even know what to do with myself, only having Ainslee here.

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