Monday, February 23, 2009

OH NO!!!

I leave my daughter with her Auntie Ceire, and this is what i get when she comes back.

Between her Auntie Ceire and Auntie Mary she will be the biggest make-up wearing, fingernail painting, girly-girl. Apparently she already knows where all the different make-up stuff goes. She was entertained for the longest time the other day at a restaurant with a simple little makeup brush. She pretended to put it all over her face, and LOVED it! These are all things that I can not teach her, simply because I have no idea myself. So does this mean that the soccer playing, tom boy dream I have for her is gone? She is so proud of her little toes. I guess I better learn really quickly all about this "girl" stuff!


Confessions said...

You are hilarious! I'm cracking up!!

Anonymous said...

My daughter plays soccer and she is still is 100% girly-girl she has always like to paint her toe nails and fingernails and she has always done them herself and her friends are always asking her where did she had her nails done.