Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ainslee's Favorite Pasttime

Ainslee chillin' on her boppy! It's her 2nd favorite place to nap
(on mommy's chest is her 1st favorite)

Ainslee has been doing much better at night time. I have finally found her favorite way to sleep. I know that "they" (whoever "they" is) say that it is best for infants to sleep on their backs now. But I feel like each baby has their own preference on sleep postition. Kaylee was sleeping on her belly from a very young age, because that is what worked for her. Ainslee likes her side, and she wants to be swaddled, with her arms out of course. Her
favorite blanket to be swaddled in is one similar to this one. Kaylee hated being swaddled at the age of about 5 days. Ainslee likes having her hands up by her face, it is really funny, because that is exactly what she did during our ultrasound. The ultrasound tech had trouble getting the necessary views of her face because her hands were always blocking her view. During the video ultrasound, Ainslee played peek-a-boo for a few minutes. Her little personality was developing when she was still inside my belly.

It is amazing to see the differences that are already evident in the two girls. I know they are each their own little person, but it is funny how they develop their personalities so early. I am so eager to watch as the 2 grow older together. Dont get me wrong though, i am not wishing away their days, I am excited to go through all their little stages.

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