Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thank you Mr. Cop and Mrs. Diane

Marcus went outside to let Tahoe relieve himself this evening. Tahoe took off across the street, apparently to visit his girlfriend. She is the neighborhood dog who wanders between various houses in the neighborhood, her name is Oreo. Anyways so Marcus is walking up the driveway to put envelopes in the mailbox so he stood up there calling for him trying to get him back home. Next thing Marcus sees is a car go speeding past him, going much too fast down our street. Just because there is no speed limit sign doesn't mean you can drive "like a bat out of hell." anyways so then the car puts on its breaks and that's when Marcus realized it was a cop, he turned his lights on and turned around to come back to Marcus. He was questioning why Marcus was in the middle of the street. Marcus told him he was waiting on Tahoe to come home, he parked his car with his lights on in the middle of the street so cars would slow down and Tahoe wouldn't get hit.
Tahoe came back to see what all the commotion was and he was escorted by the cop down the driveway. How sweet is that? But I would much prefer him sit there and radar the crazy people that drive down our street going like 50+ MPH.

Earlier today Kaylee and I got our hair "cuk". We went to see Mrs Diane again. Kaylee sat like such a big girl in the chair all by herself. I was so proud. She let Diane cut her hair without a fuss, well she did have a little trouble keeeping her head still. She wanted to give Kaylee bangs, both Marcus and I vehemently disagreed. Neither one of us wanted her to have bangs. We agreed on just another trim. She got about 1 inch cut off, I wanted a little bit more but Marcus overrode my opinion. Either way she loved her new hair cuk.

Im not sure why Marcus didnt get pictures of the cop, so i could post them too.

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