Friday, April 3, 2009

Playgound Chatter

I witnessed a very funny conversation between a couple of, what looked like, 5th graders today. Kaylee, Ainslee, and I were up at church waiting for the fish fry to start and I was letting Kaylee play on the playground while I nursed Ainslee. On the "big kid" playground nearby there were school age children playing. Some of them decided to play Red Rover on the grass; the group consisted of 4 boys and 1 girl. After one of the boys got picked up by his mother the girl was left on the side by herself. If you know anything about Red Rover you can't play with one person on a side, so one of the boys eagerly volunteered to go over to the girls side. When he attempted to hold her hand, as the game requires, she refused. He tried to grab her hand again and continuing playing the game. She pulled her hand back and said, "gross! I'm not holding your hand!" He said "why?" she asked "when was the last time you washed your hands?" He stood there visibly thinking of the last time his hands were washed. Then she said "see that's what I'm talking about." Then they were perplexed as to what to do about the sitation. The little girl refused to hold his hand so the game could not continue. The other boys were trying to convince her to hold his hand and then she said "why don't you guys hold his hand then". So one of the other boys switched places with the 'one that doesn't wash his hands' and the game continued.

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