Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Our Day

Today was the first day I brought both girls to Kindermusik by myself. I'll be honest and say I was a little nervous; especially when they both were up for most of the night. Kaylee had a touch of a fever and Ainslee just didn't want to miss out on any of the action. We all got little sleep but managed to crawl out of bed in time to be EARLY for school. Ainslee wasn't such a great "student" today, as the first 7 weeks of her life she LOVED her car seat and suddenly a few days ago she has grown a dislike for it. So it wasn't long after we got there that I took her out and put her in the pouch where she fell fast asleep for the rest of the class. But I felt bad that I was holding Ainslee and couldn't really hold Kaylee. I felt much better when I reminded myself that even when I'm not holding Ainslee, Kaylee wants to be "Miss Independent." After school we headed home with a very cranky Ainslee in tow and immediately nursed and changed her and put her to bed. Then it was Kaylee's turn for a nap. We read books and she went down like a champ! I took a few seconds to decide......get chores done or take a nap myself. It took me about 1/2 a second to decide to nap myself. Although I was able to rest I was interrupted by a leaky dirty diaper, so I had to not only change her diaper, but her clothes and the sheet as well. After nap Kaylee and I enjoyed a fabulous PB&J with a side of baked lays. Next Kaylee helped mommy fold a huge basket of laundry. Then daddy came home after working a double shift. He played with Kaylee until his eyes were not even open anymore. Kaylee tucked him in for a nap and mommy took her outside to play. When Ainslee woke up she joined us outside. After playing outside it was time for a bath for Kaylee. Afterwards Kaylee had the great idea of letting Ainslee play under her gym. That entertained her for about 30 minutes it was so nice. Kaylee played with her and gave her back her paci when she dropped it. She is such a sweet and thoughtful big sister. Then it was time to wake daddy for dinner. After dinner we all went upstairs to play in the future playroom until it was bedtime. Overall I would have to say it was a fantastic day!

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