Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Whenever something BIG happens in our life, Marcus feels like we need to make something that is already BIG even BIGGER!!!

for example:
When we got married almost 4 1/2 years ago Marcus took a new job which caused him to work crazy long hours and never see his new wife.
When we found out we were pregnant with Kaylee he took another new job.
A few days before the birth of our 1st child Marcus decides to buy a new truck.
Why should it be any different with the birth of our 2nd child?

As if having a new baby is not enough adventure for us we decided to add a little more "spice" to our lives. Marcus applied for and accepted another job with FedEx. Not only is it a new job, but in a new state, obviously a new job alone wouldn't be 'adventurous' enough for us. So you might be thinking now. Where? Where could they possibly be moving?
Well my last post is a little hint.......HAWAII!
Yes we are moving 4000+ miles away! Away from family and friends and everything we know. We will be living on the island of Maui, hopefully in (or near) Kahului. Marcus and I will be taking a trip to look for houses after Thanksgiving, so hopefully we can find something nice at a reasonable price. But then again that might be asking for too much. Then Marcus will be heading over to start his new job after Christmas. I will not join him with the kids until after the baby is born. We are now in the "get the house ready to sell" stage, which includes finishing our upstairs and remodeling the master bath. Hopefully all that can be finished before Marcus leaves so I don't have to worry about that by myself. Anyone know any good subcontractors?

With all that said, anyone that wants to come visit us.......COME ON! You might have to sleep in a closet but we would love to see some familiar faces every now and then.


Bookie-Roo said...

no freakin' way! can I come visit? Maybe baby sit? How fun!

Crista and Harry said...

Ya'll are gonna get sick of Harry and I visiting!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you all .Just another 4000 miles on top of the 4000 we already have to go to visit.There better be a Wallmart nearby.Love Sharon,Lorcan daniel & hannah. xxxx

Unknown said...

Wow - now this is big news. How exciting. It has always been a dream of mine to visit Hawaii now we have the perfect excuse! We wish you both every luck in getting it all sorted and with your new arrival too! At the moment here it is all girls being born so it will be interesting to see if it's a little Marcus or wee Michele. Love: Nicola, Peter and kids XX.

Donna said...

Yippee! Can't wait to come and visit from Oregon. We are so excited for all of you. It is a great adventure. Sometimes you have to step out of the box onto an island! AAAHHHHHHH! Love to you all! The Kings

Anonymous said...

This is sooo exciting. Maybe the 5 of us can come and visit! Do you think Tahoe will like Hawaii?
I hope all is well getting ready to redo the house. Would love to see you before you move.

The Southerns