Monday, November 17, 2008

A Day FULL of Doctors

All I know for sure is that I NEVER want to have another day like today!!!
I saw more doctors today than I cared to see all month long, and spent more time in waiting rooms than I wanted to also!

It all started last week when I had my big glucose test. That's the one where they make you drink that disgusting drink, to check to see if you have gestational diabetes. Well unfortunately my test came back positive. So they scheduled me for a 3 hour glucose test this morning. I had to fast all morning (that in itself nearly killed me!) they wouldnt even let me drink water, then go drink that nasty drink again, and have them draw my blood 4 times. I was in my doctors office for 3 1/2 hours. I felt like I should have gotten a job there, that's how long I was there. I should get my results from that either tomorrow or Wednesday, hopefully I will pass this time.

After leaving there I had to rush to get something to eat and then meet my mom and Kaylee at Dr. Shea's office (Kaylee's Ear Doctor). Last Friday I took her back to her pediatrician, suspecting another ear infection, and found out that she has another one which makes 6 infections in the past 4 months. The pediatrician suggested tubes, so who better to take your child to than the world's best ear clinic? My mom had to bring Kaylee for me because the 2 appointments overlapped. So we sit and wait there for another 2 hours (they had already waited 1 hour before I arrived, so they were there a total of 3 hours). Dr. Shea told us that Kaylee needs tubes in both her ears immediately, so we scheduled the surgery for this Friday morning.

When we were walking out of that office my mom and I were both hungry again (Kaylee skipped lunch and nap, so she was hungry too), we decided to go get a bite to eat at Chick-fil-A. It was there that Kaylee got her "second wind," so to avoid another trip into Memphis this week (you'll read later why another trip into Memphis this week would be impossible!), I decided to go get my allergy shot. That was how we ended up at the 3rd, and final, doctors office. Thank God we were only there for about 45 minutes. So in all I think I spent nearly 6 1/2 hours in 3 different doctors offices today. After all that sitting, I cant figure out why I am so freaking tired. I feel like i could sleep for 24 hours straight.

On top of all those appointments I had to schedule an eye doctor appointment for myself last week and found out that I have an eye infection. COULD ANYTHING ELSE POSSIBLY BE PILED ON MY PLATE???

So while we were out gallivanting around the city, hahaha, Marcus was home with our first worker men (thats what I call them when Kaylee says "was dat?"). The HVAC guys were here to install the 'space ship' looking stuff upstairs, that's my technical term for the air ducts. The best part is we get to return the $50 programmable digital thermostat we bought thinking that we had to supply it (we didnt want one of those regular old kinds), the HVAC guy said that our unit comes with a digital thermostat so Marcus asked if it was programmable. He said that it was not, but that he would switch it to a programmable one for FREE. Cant ask for anything better than that. They did a great job, surprisingly finishing in less time than I spent in doctors offices today. We have the electrician scheduled for this Wednesday. Marcus decided to stop by Home Depot and return the thermostat on his way to work and look for the recessed cans and trim kits for the cans, so the electrician can install them when he comes. He was able to buy all 8 cans and trim kits for $110 which is $10 less than the electrician was going to charge for the cans by themselves, so there's even more money we saved today! I think that the framers and plumbers are going to be starting this week as well. Also tonight, both ceiling fans and hall light fixtures were delivered.

Looks like the rest of this week is kinda busy, it goes something like this:

Tuesday morning- bug man coming to spray
Tuesday later in the morning- Kindermusik (makeup class)
Tuesday early evening- flooring guy coming to measure, give quote, and show us samples
Wednesday morning- regular Kindermusik class (mom is coming with us so she can see what Kindermusik is all about before she has to bring Kaylee by herself while we are in Hawaii)
Wednesday all day- electrician coming Wednesday afternoon- playdate with a friend (hopefully we can fit that in)
Wednesday evening- go pick out vanity/ sink and toilet for upstairs bathroom
Thursday will be filled with either the electricians finishing up, plumbers and/or framers starting
Friday morning- Kaylee's tubes in her ears
Friday afternoon- more framing and/ or plumbing
I am sure I have forgotten some

So if you dont hear from me for awhile that's definitely why. I hope everyone else has a much more relaxing week than we have planned!


Bookie-Roo said...

hope kaylee's surgery goes well!

Anonymous said...

I'll say a prayer for her.

aunt Connie