Tuesday, November 25, 2008

After Turkey Day Blues

One of the biggest things I look forward to about Thanksgiving, besides getting the whole family together and playing games, is definitely the left overs! Anyone who knows us knows that left overs around here are like gold. And what better time to have left overs than at Thanksgiving? But this year we are going to miss out on all of them because we are leaving the next day. So i decided that I am going to make the dishes I am supposed to bring a little early and have left overs BEFORE Thanksgiving. I am going to make my broccoli casserole, GF corn bread, GF gravy, and mashed potatoes today so that I can enjoy them for dinner tonight, tomorrow night, AND Thanksgiving night! I figured that I would wait to make my GF pumpkin cheesecake til Wednesday night, because if i dont it might not make it to Thanksgiving dinner at all.

Is that bad?

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