Monday, November 10, 2008

Successful Weekend

Most of the time when I make lists for "weekend projects" we usually accomplish somewhere between 0-50% of what is on the list. This weekend we were rockin' and rollin'! My vision was to have the attic entirely cleared out so that it would be ready for the workers to start. Once I started working on the enormous amount of CRAP we have accumulated over the past 8 years, I began to realize that this was more than just a weekend project! Especially since we could only work on it when Kaylee was sleeping; unless only one of us worked while the other watched her. Neither one of us was comfortable with her upstairs playing with the mice poo and corpses that are on the floor, not to mention the insulation and other things she could get into up there. Even with those limitations I felt like we got a lot done. There are still a few boxes to move and some I need to go through, but overall we did a great job! Most of all I am glad that I can see the progress we made, and know that we dont have much farther to go (at least with this part).

We also had a chance to get some prices on some of the things that we will be needing to purchase for this project.

mental note: remember to take pictures to post

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