Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spring is in the air!!!

I know it is not OFFICIALLY spring yet, but man, I sure am enjoying this weather! How awesome is this, we get snow on Friday and 5 days later it is 70° outside? You cant ask for anything more! I told Marcus the other day that I want to move to a place where it is around 70°-80° year round. That would be my ideal weather. But I guess while I am dreaming of that I will have to settle for the few weeks we get 70°, before we get blown away by the heat this summer!

I thought I would take advantage of this beautiful day and use my brand new clothesline. I bought a clothesline so that I could start hanging some of our clothes out to dry. I got this idea a few weeks ago when I learned how the sun can get stains out of clothes. Last week (before it got cold) I put a shirt outside that a stain on it. I had already put gobs of chemicals on and it, but the stain was still there. After about 45 minutes of being in the sunshine the stain was magically gone. I was shocked! Since then I have been experimenting on all kinds of stains in our clothes, so far the sun has effectively removed them ALL! I am hooked, I decided that hanging our clothes outside would not only save electricity, but we can have stain free clothes with out chemicals. I knew that I did not want a clothesline permanently in the back yard so I found retractable ones that were the perfect solution to my problem.

Disclaimer: I would like to say that where I hung the line is just its temporary location. I am waiting until we get our swing in the back before I can move it to its permanent home; where it is now I could only hang her little bitty clothes on it.

Kaylee and I got to enjoy a little bit of sunshine this morning while hanging up the clothes. She was being my “little helper.” Well I guess you can’t quite call her my little helper yet. I gave her some clothes pins to hold so that she could give them to me when I was ready, but I don’t think she was quite up to the task yet. Hopefully after a few more trys she will be more interested in helping me than playing with Tahoe.

Yes, she is still in her PJ's! I am sorry to say that if we dont have to get dressed most days we don't.

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