Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Cleaning GREEN!

Everyone knows how a new little baby can change a parent’s life FOREVER. I know when Kaylee was born all I could think about was being the best mom I could be, and that also meant keeping her as safe as possible. When I learned about all the chemicals in the cleaners that we use around our house, I made the decision to change the way we clean our house and especially the products we buy. I couldn’t stand the thought of her crawling around on a floor that was just so-called "cleaned” with TOXIC chemicals. And the thought of her putting things into her mouth that had chemicals on them made me sick to my stomach. Yes, I have to admit that the reason why this all started was because I saw the show on Oprah about going green. So now every time I want to do something that would make our life a little “greener” Marcus blames Oprah.

It all started by me purchasing Shaklee products. I got their starter kit, and was very skeptical at first; I told myself that if they did not work well or if I did not like them I would not use them. But in the end I was VERY pleased with the performance of our new “safe for the environment and safe for my child” cleaners. I actually think that they clean BETTER than the old cleaners we were using. And I can rest assured that Kaylee is walking around a house that is not only clean, but safe for her.

It has been almost a year, since I purchased my first “green” cleaners. I have been on a mission to do what is best for our family. It is still a struggle to convince Marcus that the chemicals we used to use are VERY harmful to us and Kaylee. But I hope that the day will come soon when I can proudly say that there are NO MORE CHEMICALS in our house.

Lately I was introduced well reintroduced, to a different cleaning method. It is not new by any means, it is probably what my grandmothers used to clean with….plain ol’ VINEGAR and water! Yes, I have been experimenting with it lately, and as Marcus says “It stinks.” But I think once we gets past the smell of it, I am going to like it much more than the other products I have tried. I am still going to use up all the Shaklee products that I have, but then I am going to stick with Mr. Ol’ Fashion Vinegar. Here is a link to some tips when using vinegar; it’s amazing what just 1 cleaner can do. I think it is the most versatile cleaner I have ever used. And the best benefit to using vinegar besides that it is safe for you, safe for the environment, cleans and disinfects just about everything, is that it is cheap! All the other cleaners that I have looked into don’t even compare in price. There are still some things that I will be buying from Shaklee, but vinegar will replace most of them. So try it yourself I am sure you will not be disappointed.

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