Monday, December 6, 2010

Project Playroom - part 3

It has been 3 1/2 weeks since the girls have been allowed in the playroom. They dont even ask to go up there anymore! I havent been getting as much done up there as I would like, but I cant least something is getting done.

I think it was like 2 weekends ago I shop vac'd both attic spaces. Marcus helped me hang a few more drywall boards which makes the attic spaces look much better, and got the dry wall pieces out of our way.

Over the past week or so I have been busy....

here are the colors (the picture really doesnt show the actual colors, and me taking them at night without natural light doesnt help)

once again my photo skills are lacking (to say the least). This is a shot of the board that, well I cant tell you exactly where it is going, you can hardly tell but it has a 60* angle on each end of the board. The dark side (bottom of the picture) of the board will be bottom when it is hung.

and the board lengthwise, you can sorta see the angled edge at the bottom of the picture

here are the supplies for one of the projects I completed tonight
I have to tell you how I came to the idea of the next project. First of all my good friend Bethany had the idea of painting a trim around the white board. When I proposed the idea to Marcus he suggested just putting trim boards up, to define the space more. I decided those were fabulous ideas, so I implemented them. First I visited our local (NOT local to where we live, but local to where I am much of the week, AKA 30 minute drive) hardware store. I picked out my trim board, found the first worker man who was available to cut it. Wasnt quite sure if I was getting what I needed because he didnt really know how to operate or read a tape measure. Anyways I got through that process which took about 30 minutes longer than it should. I took the trim boards over to my uncle Tom's house, not my real Uncle Tom, but a very long time family friend whom I refer to as Uncle Tom. Anyways, Uncle Tom has a huge REALLY HUGE workshop/garage thingy. He has every tool known to man, and he is retired. Which means he is available basically all the time, so I gave him a quick call and I stopped by. We were out in the garage getting the boards cut, while Aunt Carol was in the house entertaining Kaylee. He also let me borrow the tool that is sort of leaning against the hammer in the picture above. He sent me home with the cut trim, nails to attach the trim board, and tips for attaching said boards. He is so AWESOME!
Here is the finished product
ignore all my supplies that are still on top of the bookcase........I will get a proper picture once the room is complete
And now for that curtain rod we hung from the is going to be used as a divider for the girls' dressing room. I found this sheer purple fabric with glittery sparkles on it, it goes wonderfully with the green. Eventually a mirror will go on the green door, and their box of dressup clothes will be next to the door. I love how the fabric defines the space, but doesnt feel like it closes off the room, I can pin the fabric up high or take it down completely whenever I choose. If I find it doesnt work my backup plan is hanging the girls' artwork from the curtain rod
Can you imagine that Santa has already visited our house? Growing up we did "Santa" different from all my friends. We always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve, which was/is nice for many reasons. We always got our stuff one day early, and now as we build our own family and family traditions, we can use that day with my family and Christmas morning with our own family and Christmas afternoon/evening with Marcus' family. It has worked well for us so far. Soooooo we would always go to mass on Christmas Eve and while we were gone Santa would deliver ONE gift for each of us. Actually some years mom and dad had a friend dress up as Santa and come to the house to deliver the gifts. So our ONE gift from Santa was usually our "big" gift. I like the idea of getting things from Santa but I definitely dont think that everything should be from Santa. I think this is one tradition we will carry on with the girls. They will get one gift from "him" and the others will be from us. After saying all is what Santa brought this year. I just put it together the other day, and I can NOT wait for the girls to see it! Kaylee has pretty much asked to paint or do a "project" everyday for the past month or so. I am sure this easel will provide many hours of enjoyment for both of them.

That's it so far. We still have about 21 small projects to complete before the big reveal Christmas morning, I have a short 18 more days to finish. But it is coming together stay tuned

1 comment:

*Princess Mommy* said...

GIRL!!!!! It looks SO GOOD!!!!!!
You have me wanting to paint a giant whiteboard somewhere for bella!!!
GREAT JOB!!!!!!!