Monday, December 20, 2010

Project Playroom - part 4

The playroom is nearing completion, well at least what I have planned so far! I have many other things I still want to accomplish up there, the next biggest thing I want to work on is the walls. I have a few things in mind for the reading area, but we have a LOT of blank wall space that needs to be decorated. Oh and I am DYING for some storage up there, anyone want to build me a large wall mounted cubby/bookcase? Anybody? Anybody?

Here are some more of the pictures I took process.....

the mirror is on the left painted purple, and the green board is on the right, which will be attached to the ceiling. Each of these pieces took 3 coats of paint.

We decided to paint the frame of the little door purple too.........i really like it!

here it is with the mirror
the GREEN board
the rope ladder
the rings

I'm trying to figure out how we are going to get good shots on Christmas morning when the girls see the playroom for the first time in 6 weeks! Should I set up the camera on a timer? Should I "hide" behind the camera? Either way I hope to get some good shots, and if so I will share them with you sometime next week.

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