Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A few things that make me happy

in no particular order....

watching the look on Ainslee's face when she is trying to figure something out, it is so darn cute! Im not trying to brag or anything, but EVERYONE stops me to comment on her (and Kaylee), I seriously cant go anywhere without being approached. It is kinda nice but kinda annoying too, I have a teeny tiny taste of what it feels like to know a famous person. heeheehee

Putting Ainslee to sleep; I swear she is the easiest baby when it comes to going to bed. Typically she is DIVING to get into her crib (probably because she feels safe from you know who in there). I could just throw her into the crib, but i like to read books, rock, and snuggle her before bed. It is one of my most favorite times of the day!

But what is just as awesome as those few special moments, is coming out of her room and finding the kitchen completely cleaned up after dinner!

Picking up Kaylee from school, hearing about her day, and listening to the songs she sings.

My new slippers

The fact that I only paid $7.20 for 100 Christmas photo cards from Shutterfly! Now If I could only find some discounts for postage.....the 17 cards that get mailed overseas cost almost $1 each! (thanks Shutterfly for your awesome deals for bloggers, and Nicole for telling me about them!)

Getting things checked off the "to do" list. We got more dry wall hung this weekend, Christmas lights put up inside and out, Christmas boxes down, attic shop vac'd, tub leak fixed, crepe myrtles trimmed (we usually dont do this, but since we are digging them out of the flower bed this winter, and they were totally in the way of hanging Christmas lights.....Marcus trimmed them up), flower bed border fixed, garage floor cleaned out (now if we could only get it organized!), Im sure there are more things we've been able to check off the list, but cant remember them now, I just know we have gotten LOTS done lately.

Having a working hot water heater again. I have been able to take nice long HOT baths for the first time in a couple weeks.

Kaylee's bedtime issues are almost resolved! She stays in her bed almost all night and does it willingly.

Pioneer Woman's recipes! I swear she is a genius! I havent made all my remaining recipes yet, but when I do expect a post about them.

Christmas shopping....not the actual going to 12 different stores and NOT finding what you want part. But the figuring out what I'm getting everyone and then finding deals/sales/coupons! I LOVE LOVE online shopping, it is one of my favorite pasttimes. Cant wait for this Christmas......its going to be a good one!

The fact that Walmart now prints their receipts double sided! I have gone into other stores and bought 1 or 2 things and my receipt is a foot long, what a waste of paper! I was shocked today when I went in to pick up about 14 things and got the tiniest receipt, soooo AWESOME and Eco-friendly! Its the little things that make me happy......now if only more people would recycle!

Seeing Ainslee's cute little hiney in some big girl panties. AND (knock on wood).....she has yet to have an accident in them!

And the the thing that has NOT made me happy...... spending $1500 on car repairs last week!


Rachel said...

Online shopping rocks!!!

Damie said...

cute post! :)