Thursday, December 17, 2009


I have lots of things to write about and no REAL direction with this post, so you are going to get a huge hodge-podge of information. Here goes......

First of all have you ever lived with something (or experienced something) for so long that you thought it was normal even though it wasnt? You kinda knew that something wasnt right, but you just "dealt" with it? I have a lot of things that could probably fit into that category. Im just going to tell you about this one, OUR HOUSE PHONE! Since we moved in 9 years ago, we have had all sorts of problems. First, our number was double assigned, meaning they gave us our number then gave it to someone else too. Which meant we were getting both our phone calls AND their phone calls, and they were getting NO phone calls. That was a huge pain in the butt until they finally figured out what happened. All I have to say about that is some people get crazy calls at ALL hours of the day and night. And that's not all, pretty much since the beginning we have had this "phantom" fax machine. You see we really dont even own a fax machine, but our phone must think that we do. Sometimes when people call, it rings once and then goes to a fax. WEIRD right? Well lately when I have been picking up the house phone, I can hear a fax machine too. And our caller ID quit working, or would work sporadically. Then we werent able to receive phone calls, or make them. It had gotten to be more than I cared to "deal with", so I called the phone company. They gladly sent out a technician, the next day might i add, which was really nice, and he worked all day on our line. All day means he worked for 7 hours! Apparently there was all kinds of stuff wrong. Now it is fixed and I am eager to see if our "phantom fax machine" disappears too.

Is it bad that Kaylee has spent 3 nights out, over the course of this week? Oh how I enjoy my little mini breaks!

Kaylee had her last day of school today, and she got to see Santa for the 3rd time. I guess third time is a charm. Her teacher couldnt believe that she actually wanted to sit on his lap AND smiled too. I just love that smile, it isnt quite her thisismesmilingnaturally smile, but more of a I'mtryingtosmileANDlookevilintheprocess smile. I guess we have to take baby steps in the smiling department.

Now Ainslee.....HOLY MOLY!!! What am I going to do with her? She is cracking me up, such a sweet little disposition, and her personality is so fun!

But that's not all........SHE CAN EAT! She amazes me everyday/ all day with her portions. So I decided to fill you all in, here is a picture of her plate before and after dinner. And she probably would have eaten more if I let her.

And the happy little baby with a FULL belly

Keep in mind she had eaten lunch late today because she slept so stinkin' late at moms house (why can she nap good like that at our house?) For those of you that are wondering what the heck is on that plate......grilled organic chicken breast marinated in charred pineapple bourbon sauce (and NO it does not have alcohol in it! I had to clarify that), organic rice blend, 8 steamed organic baby carrots. She ate it ALL like she hasnt eaten for days, banging her tray in between every bite, and moaning with delight while she chewed. Ok so that last part didnt sound right, but I couldnt figure out how to explain that.

So this is how she works up such an appetite. She is on the go CONSTANTLY now! This is her newest accomplishment, watch for yourself

And onto an update on our chiropractor visits. We are still going faithfully twice a week. I cant really say whether or not they are "working" yet. I mean we havent had anymore ear infections, but I cant say that it is necessarily attributed to the recent chiropractic care or just a coincidence. Either way, both the girls are happy to go, and dont mind being tested and adjusted.

I found a new YUMMY thing I would like to share with all of you. Quinoa! It is really good and apparently good for you! I didnt know that part when I bought it though. It is a tasty little grain that is so easy too cook and, according to the minimual research I have done so far, is very versitle too, oh and its GLUTEN FREE! I am excited to see what kind of new recipes I can use it in. Now I just hope that it passes Marcus' taste test. Have you ever tried it? What are your thoughts/ recipes?

My little tree puts Charlie Browns' to shame!
That's right folks, we are stilling waiting/ hoping for our tree. Hopefully this pathetic excuse for a tree will be enough to make Kaylee happy. (you like the crib in the background? I still havent gotten around to returning it to my friend who graciously let us borrow it)
FINALLY after 10 months I have LOST MY BABY FAT!!!!!! YAY this is cause for a huge celebration, as I thought that I was going to carry around that weight for the rest of my life! Seriously, I thought I would never lose it! Especially since, I dont particularly eat the greatest (sweets really get the best of me), and my exercise regimen includes.....well it is pretty much non existent at this stage in my life. But I have miraculously lost the weight, and I'm wondering if that was a coincidence or due to me resorting back to my dreaded morning drink. ACV with a touch of honey (ive been using organic agave nectar since I ran out of honey) fill the cup with ice and add some water. If you do a little research you can see all the benefits that ACV has on the body, quite amazing actually. I only drink it once a day (as opposed to the reccommended 2-3 times/ day), but I also use it as a rinse for my hair. If you are going to try it (the drink part) you have to be sure and get "organic with the mother." I know sounds weird right, but that is the kind that has all the healthy benefits.
Ok I think that's enough for now.......I'm off to wrapping more gifts!

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