Is this really happening? I thought I wanted boys! I must be dreaming and I couldn't be happier!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Best Picture
Scare on the Square
Friday, October 29, 2010
Sled Dog
Today was my 2nd "trial" run with the wagon. When i say "run" i dont mean RUN! I (semi)speedwalked, except when i jogged down the hills. But this time I was armed with snacks, which if you know my girls REALLY helped matters out a BUNCH! So while they lounged I was able to get in a bit of a workout, and im telling you I can tell the difference now more than EVER. I think I just might get addicted to this working out thing. I wish I had more time to do it!
here they are lounging and eating
Yes it was like 48* this morning, and WINDY! I would much rather walk in those conditions than 100+
And here is the contraption, YES that is a strap to an old soccer bag (I think from high school) that I am using as a belt, and the strap from Marcus' old tennis bag as a handle extension.
and here is a close-up of the contraption, well at least it is supposed to be. i had to take these pics with the timer on the camera, and it wasnt necessarily easy. But see what I mean about my gut and thighs? And I cant say "they are soccer thighs" anymore, I havent touched a ball in years! They are plain ole disgusting, and I am going to fix that! and you can see where the title of this post came from, I felt like a sled dog the entire time. And Im sure I got some funny looks from the cars that went speeding past me.
oh and when I get home I try and do some abs on my big giant exercise ball thingy. But man that thing has gotten h.a.r.d! I vividly remember before we got married doing my ab workout on the ball and I would do somewhere between 300 and 500 reps a day. Now I am lucky to get 40 reps in without falling out on the floor. Maybe I just need a little more practice. Oh and the look on the girls faces when I am attempting the ball is enough to make anyone laugh, they are like "what the heck does she think she is going to do on that thing?" SO FUNNY!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Cedar Hill Farm (more pics and videos)
Here we are on the little train
This video is a perfect example of why I am not able to get a good picture of the 2 of them together. I really dont know how to do it! Neither of them are ever looking at the camera at the same time.......EVER! Even though we didnt get a good picture, we sure did get a laugh from their lack of cooperation. I am open to any and ALL tips from moms, photographers, ANYONE!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Reading to Kaylee's class
It was SUCH a delight to be back in the classroom. The memories came flooding back of MY classroom, and for a minute I got a little choked up. I miss those children! I miss the feeling you get when you teach a child something new! I miss the sparkle in their eye when they figure out something they have been working on! But for now I dont miss it enough to leave my babies everyday and return to the classroom! However, it does make me wonder if homeschooling could be a possibility in our future.
And I wish I had some pictures to show you, but I didnt think to bring my camera, and even if I had I dont think I would have had time to get any shots. I will be reading to the class about once a month, so next time I will remember the camera and show you what those little darlings can do! I already have 4 more books/activities lines up.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
FedEx Family Day
The girls sitting in the jump seats of the 777, Kaylee really thought we were going so fly somewhere. She was quite disappointed when we told her we were just looking at the plane.
And here we are in front of one of the MASSIVE engines
The girls wearing their flower balloon hats
Ainslee driving the plane despite the look on her face she DID enjoy it!
Kaylee climbing up the ladder to go down the slide
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday Sickday
......Fast forward to yesterday.......
We had a birthday party for a friend of mine's son. I sent Marcus with the girls to that party while I attended the baby shower of one of my best friends from high school. Marcus had strict instructions to limit the amount of cake/junk for both girls for fear of another exciting night. Let's just say that about an hour after we put Ainslee to bed I heard a strange moaning sound coming fro her room. I decided to check on her and the second I opened the door, I screamed for Marcus. It was everywhere. Bless her little heart she had moved to the other side of the crib and was trying to go back to sleep. So we tag teamed again and got her all cleaned up. I realized that I left her extra yellow blanket (the one that she is completely attached to, and cant sleep without) at my mom's house. So I decided to go steal Kaylee's (even though it is green, it is basically the same blanket) from off of her. We get her all settled down, teeth brushed, new sheets, new clothes, new blanket and about 5 minutes later she does it again! so now BOTH blankets are dirty! We quickly started a load of wash and tried offering her a replacement blanket. She would smell each one and rejected them all. She finally took one, but wasnt thrilled with it. We got her to sleep on us on the couch while we waited for the wash to finish, every time I felt her stomach convulse like she was about to do it again, I freaked out. I do NOT do well with throw-up! Finally the blankets were dry and she acted like all she wanted to do was sleep, I started walking back towards her room, and she did it AGAIN! ALL over the freshly clean blanket! Marcus and I were stunned! Then I decided to just give her a bath, sometimes the hot water can calm an upset tummy. And she really enjoyed the bath! After all that we were able to get her back to bed with Kaylee's blanket and she slept all night without any more problems. She woke up much differently than Kaylee had the week before. I couldnt give Ainslee enough food. She wanted to eat everything! Once again I concluded it was probably the excessive amount of junk as well as all the activity that got each of them sick.
I was counting my blessings after these 2 experiences....
1. That both of them are ok, and the "sickness" only lasted 1 day!
2. It happened on the weekend, when Marcus could join the "fun". I sure would have hated for him to miss that!
3. They didnt get sick on the same day!
4. They didnt get sick in my car!
5. I wasnt sick when trying to deal with sick babies!
But now Im really concerned with who is going to be THIS or Marcus? I hope this trend does not continue!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Cedar Hill Farm (take 3)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Fall Apple Project
Monday, I decided to do an apple lesson with the girls. I have done this activity with my 4 year olds MANY times, so I tweaked it a bit and we had an entire lesson geared for them. We made the paint, talked about apples, and their colors, we tried to teach Ainslee the colors (she knows yellow and red now), then we cut the apple to find the "surprise" inside........a STAR! Both the girls were very excited when they saw it. Then we painted away, actually we ate first, then painted, I mean who wants to eat apples after they have paint all over their fingers?
The supplies: 3 colors of homemade paint, 3 apple halves (not sure why the 3rd missed out on the picture), 3 forks to hold the apples, plates, and paper.
Kaylee's finished product
Ainslee's finished product
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What is REALLLY going on?
After saying all that, i have to tell you that Marcus accepted a new position at FedEx. He didnt really apply on this position, I guess he was kind of told/asked to take it. Which in my eyes cant be a bad thing if the right people are telling you what you "should" do. So anyways, Marcus started the said position last Friday. So basically we havent seen (or heard) from him in as many days. While we try to adjust to our new family schedule, I keep wondering if this post will come in to play anytime soon. that sounds bad, I had trouble with the wording of that, but I typed the first thing that came to mind, so let me explain. Marcus always has to interject his "big news" right before or after MY big news, so this time, he has a BIG change, and I am waiting to see what my BIG news is going to be! I guess in my boring life about the only excitement would be a baby! Time will tell!
Other things i have been wanting to tell/share with you all.....
-Ainslee is growing SO fast (as all of you moms know), she has added a few more words to her vocabulary including calling Kaylee "yea yea", which has to be the cutest thing ever, behind the fact that she already defends and protects Kaylee and hugs and kisses her each and every chance she gets. Like the other day my parents had both of them and was about to put Kaylee in time out when Ainslee started crying and pointing to the time out spot saying "no no yea yea!" It is so cute how she already wants good things for her big sis.
Oh and other new on the Ainslee front......tooth number 10 broke through last night! I know #10 tooth came through about 8 months ago for Kaylee, but Ainslee I swear is the SLOWEST teether on the planet! Just the edge of one of her molars poked through the gums and I bet it will be at least another 4-5 weeks before the full tooth is in! Kaylee would bust out 3 and 4 FULL teeth in like a weeks time. So this is new territory for me. Ainslee is still loving all foods, although she does go through the typical "phases" no meat today, no veggies the next. Oh well, she is growing just fine, and is a happy little booger!
-Kaylee is LOVING school again this year. Although Im not exactly sure if it is all the candy/sweets she has been getting there or the fact that she gets a break from me. Each and every day I see new words popping up in her vocabulary and I say to myself "I should blog about that" and every time I dont write it down then I end up forgetting what was "so cute" and I never blog about it. UGH! Why dont I learn? So instead of mentioning some of the funny/grown up things she says I will give you a little "physical" description. She is OFF the charts y'all! She has grown 7 inches since her birthday in January, so that's 7 inches in 9 months, and puts her at a whooping 3'7". She wears a size 12 shoe (with VERY little room to grow). She weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 lbs. She fits comfortably into size 5 (or above) clothes. The pronunciation/enunciation this little girl has astounds me EVERY day! I just love listening to her talk, well I love it most of the time! Her most favorite word in the ENTIRE world is WHY! And I swear if I never hear that word again I will be the happiest person alive! She is still having major bed time issues, which have resulted in this mommy nearly losing her mind!
-and me.....Im still here, barely! I have had a sort of "craving" to go back to work. Nothing that I would ever act on any time soon, but that sense of "man I miss that" type thing. So the fact that Kaylee's teacher is looking for help in the classroom is just the right thing for me. I have decided to help by reading to the class (at least once a month), doing a craft/activity with them as well, volunteer to head up the book orders, as well as volunteer my time to help with the class parties. Man after listing all that I am wondering........just WHY am I paying so much in tuition for me to basically be the teachers aide? I feel bad that I have not done any sort of "school stuff" with the girls. And i have tried to make it a priority to do more with them, but something always gets in the way. I need to stop making excuses! I'll keep you posted on the "lesson plans"/ activities i have planned for the little munchkins.
I hope you all have a FANTASTIC weekend, we have a huge one planned! Tomorrow is filled with gymnastics and story time with 5 friends (and mommy friends), Saturday is devoted completely to family time with daddy, and Sunday is our annual trip to Cedar Hill Farm.