Friday, January 8, 2010

I've got an itch

I've had this feeling for a few weeks now, and it has been bugging me. I mentioned it to a friend (or 2) and decided it was time to talk to Marcus. So last week, while driving into town, I laid it on him without any warning (and really completely off the subject we were talking about at the time), he had a "hard" time hearing me, and an even harder time processing the words that I was saying, I thought he just might have an accident due to shock. However; he was quite open and willing to discuss options, much more open than I thought, considering his past views on the matter. He has been really subborn with this particular topic, but as time has passed I think he has begun to see MY side, and he is slowly but surely making his way to MY side. Now I'm not saying that I want to do anything about this feeling immediately or anything, but I definietly want to start getting some plans in order, cause this itch I have......needs a lotta help to scratch!

I'm ready for another baby!!!
You think I should scratch that itch?


Confessions said...

Oh. My. Gosh. we obviously have some things to catch up on!!

scratch! scratch! scratch!!

Wanting What I Have said...

if you decide to scratch that itch, hang on!!!! It's a wild ride. THREE IS TOTALLY INSANE!!!!! (not to mention TONS of fun!) I wouldn't trade 'em for anything!

Best wishes, whatever you decide to do. :)

Amma B said...

My comment goes ALMOST without posting... ... I CAN'T STOP SMILING!!! Love, Amma PS. Oddly enough, someone asked me about these "plans" just the other day.

Kelli said...

Get those plans in order sister and scratch that itch. :) Wishing you luck whatever you (and Marcus) decide!