Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cedar Hill Farm

We have been quite busy lately. I just have not had the "urge" to write about anything lately. So I am about to go on a blog posting marathon, I hope you are all ready. I was going to put it all in one big long ginormous post, but then decided it would be much better if I split them up. I started with the Cedar Hill Farm post because it was.....well I dont know exactly why I started with this one, I just did!
Cedar Hill Farm is just south of Memphis in Hernando, MS. We vowed last year at our first visit to the farm, to go every fall. I am proud to say that this was our 2nd Annual Cedar Hill Farm Visit. Since our 1st visit our family has grown, and Kaylee has obviously grown and matured (in her own little age-appropriate way) and it was very interesting to see what she was interested in and how our trip was different from last year. I cant wait to compare each year, as the girls grow.

I just had to get this family picture in front of the fence, we took one in the same spot last year too.
Ainslee about to break her neck to look at the horse. And NO she was not in the Mei Tai the entire time! She had just woke up from her nap about 5 minutes before this picture was taken.

Kaylee loves her personal chauffeur.

She was so parched, and loved that daddy let her drink out of his water bottle.

Kaylee scared away ALL the birds and everyone else for that matter.
Kaylee is wondering where all the other people are at the campfire.

I tried to get a picture of the 2 of them in a "fall" setting. Ainslee cant believe that I would let her sit on something that feels the way the straw feels, she cant figure out if she should cry or not. Kaylee is busy trying to tell my mom how to work the camera.....she's is such a little know-it-all.

Ainslee watches her sister's EVERY move! Kaylee was playing with the straw during my attempt at a photo shoot.....
So Ainslee thought she should EAT the straw during my attempt at a photo shoot.

Introducing Kaylee the pig and Ainslee the cow.

My little cutie pie, I just love that little girl.

I have a confession......I almost cry when i look at pictures of my babies. I try to blame it on my hormones, but is that still possible when your baby is 8 months old?
This is was at the end of our train ride, and it looks like Ainslee is trying to climb out of Marcus' arms. She was wanting to drive the train so she could ride longer.

SEE........this is the kind of beautiful smile that she has, instead 99% of the time she sports her Chandler smile. She had so much fun riding the ponies. She would ask the worker boys what the name of each horse is, and she would remember them. Too Cute!

I just cant resist popping pictures of Ainslee, she is so stinkin' cute!

Kaylee had SO much fun feeding the animals. She would put her fingers in their mouth, which scared the crap out of me! She would feed each of them and scream with delight after each one took the piece of food.

Overall, we had a FANTASTIC day! The weather was crazy hot, I think the girls even got a little too much sun. I felt like a horrible mom, I brought sunscreen put it on Kaylee's face and then got distracted and never put it on her arms, I felt so bad! Ainslee was able to get an ample amount of sunscreen on her entire body, and as you can imagine it was much easier to keep her in the shade than Kaylee.

If any of you who are reading this live in the Memphis area you really need to take a day and visit Cedar Hill Farm. Skipping naps seems to be the "norm" lately, and although it is not something that i necessarily like to do, but both girls have made it fairly easy and are very good at "going with the flow."

I feel like this post is so totally random and I apologize for how uncohesive it is. Stay tuned for updates on FedEx delivery day, random pictures, and other posts that I am busy preparing.

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