Friday, October 29, 2010

Sled Dog

I have been watching as my body grows bigger and bigger.......and NOT because I am pregnant! It is like it is in slow motion watching a spare tire develop around my waist line! And it is disgusting! Im quite sure my husband has noticed it as well, although he would never admit it! My clothes arent fitting, I can feel a difference in my energy level, among other "problems". So I decided to do something about it. I am starting, for the first time in my life, to "watch" what I eat. And I dont mean, watch as the food goes from my plate to my big ole mouth! I am being more conscious of what I eat, my portions, and frequency. I have never been the one to participate in fad diets, or counting calories, but for some reason I feel my body is not as forgiving as it used to be. And considering my complete lack of activity I really cant blame it. For my entire life I was an exercising machine, going from one sport to the next competitively, and then it all STOPPED! I remember wishing and waiting for the days where i didnt have practices and games everyday, now i wish i had something to keep me active (besides chasing childre). So I am also starting to exercise a bit more. This poses as quite a problem since we dont have any exercise equipment, a gym membership, or a double stroller. So the only way I can get the girls around is in the wagon. Any of you tried pulling 70+ lbs in a wagon........well it aint easy! The hardest part is walking with one arm behind you pulling the wagon, and your feet constantly hitting the front of the wagon. I decided to modify our wagon. I made the handle a bit longer and attached it to a belt that I wear high up on my waist. This way I have both my hands free, I wont hurt my shoulder, and my feet wont hit. I took the contraption out for a test drive Wednesday. My plan was to walk at least an hour, and NOT flip the wagon over. I am very pleased to say that I didnt flip the wagon, but sadly we were shy of my hour mark. The girls wanted NOTHING to do with being in the wagon for 10 minutes, let alone 1 hour! But besides that it worked fabulously! The hills were tough and I mean T.O.U.G.H! like the last one in front of the house, I could totally feel the burn. Going downhill wasnt as easy as expected either, my body wanted to go faster, but i feared the wheels might just come right off that wagon. Either way we made it home safe and sound.......maybe my next wagon modification will include some sort of child entertainment. Any ideas?

Today was my 2nd "trial" run with the wagon. When i say "run" i dont mean RUN! I (semi)speedwalked, except when i jogged down the hills. But this time I was armed with snacks, which if you know my girls REALLY helped matters out a BUNCH! So while they lounged I was able to get in a bit of a workout, and im telling you I can tell the difference now more than EVER. I think I just might get addicted to this working out thing. I wish I had more time to do it!

here they are lounging and eating

Yes it was like 48* this morning, and WINDY! I would much rather walk in those conditions than 100+

And here is the contraption, YES that is a strap to an old soccer bag (I think from high school) that I am using as a belt, and the strap from Marcus' old tennis bag as a handle extension.

and here is a close-up of the contraption, well at least it is supposed to be. i had to take these pics with the timer on the camera, and it wasnt necessarily easy. But see what I mean about my gut and thighs? And I cant say "they are soccer thighs" anymore, I havent touched a ball in years! They are plain ole disgusting, and I am going to fix that! and you can see where the title of this post came from, I felt like a sled dog the entire time. And Im sure I got some funny looks from the cars that went speeding past me.

oh and when I get home I try and do some abs on my big giant exercise ball thingy. But man that thing has gotten h.a.r.d! I vividly remember before we got married doing my ab workout on the ball and I would do somewhere between 300 and 500 reps a day. Now I am lucky to get 40 reps in without falling out on the floor. Maybe I just need a little more practice. Oh and the look on the girls faces when I am attempting the ball is enough to make anyone laugh, they are like "what the heck does she think she is going to do on that thing?" SO FUNNY!

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