Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I apologize for being on some sort of blogging sabatical lately. I have a couple posts floating around in my head but my husband convinced me to join Facebook and it is running my life at the moment. If it is not friend requests to accept, its peoples pictures to look at and comment on, or responding to messages, or writing on people's "wall".....MAN it is ADDICTIVE!!! Now I know why everyone calls it "crackbook"

I will try and get my time evened out between my blog and FB and if you read both my blog and FB then you might see a few things/ pictures twice. I am going to try and get more sleep tonight though, I stayed up WAAAY too late last night playing around on the computer. Now that I am at the point in motherhood where both children go to bed at a decent hour (AKA between 6 and 7) and sleep pretty much through the night (I hope I dont jinx myself by saying that) I should be enjoying lots and lots of peaceful sleep, but NNNOOOOOO I have these addictions to worry about. Thanks babe! I really appreciate you getting me hooked! It's exciting to find old friends!

Good Night Everyone! Sweet Dreams!

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