Friday, July 10, 2009

As Promised

I vowed to take more pictures of Ainslee and here they are! This is the first day since returning from our vacation that we have been home all day. We have had errands to run, doctors appointments, or play dates every other day. I decided to take this opportunity to get some things done around the house and take some pictures. Today i was able to.......

give both girls a bath, put things away (lots and lots of things), do a load of laundry, empty suitcases from our trip, unload/ load dishwasher, sweep/ vacuum the entire downstairs, sweep/ vacuum upstairs, bake cookies, wash a bunch of grapes, shred about 3 lbs of cheese (with the help of a food processor, and yes we eat A LOT of cheese), take pictures, get the girls down for a nap simultaneously, and make dinner, I'm sure there is more that I am forgetting because I dont think that I sat down all day. Somehow I was able to accomplish all of this before Marcus got up

Here is the little one after her bath this morningI couldn't resist documenting some of these curls

MAN DOES SHE LOOK LIKE HER DADDY!!! I always joke with Marcus (completely joking) saying that I'm not sure if Ainslee is his child, well as the days go by there is NO way that he can deny this child either. Kaylee was born looking like Marcus' twin, and as the days go by Ainslee is becoming his twin too.

I admit I did "style" her hair for this picture

Such a happy baby, I couldn't stop taking pictures
While I had the camera out, I had to get some pictures of the FDNY onesie that Auntie Crista sent her

This evening while Marcus attempted to fix the "media center" wiring, I laid Ainslee on the floor to kick, play, and talk. I was busy getting dinner ready and the next thing i see is this. Tahoe walked very cautiously around her, and laid right next to her (after giving her a quick lick on the face). This is the first time that Tahoe has taken notice of Ainslee by himself.
When I got out the camera, Kaylee had to get in the picture too. And it just wouldn't be a "good" picture of Kaylee without the Chandler smile!

1 comment:

inkBLOTdesignsSTUDIO said...

that pic of Ainslee and Tahoe is so should get one of her in the boppy with i did with k-babe when she was tiny!