Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monkey see, Monkey do

My fears are beginning to come true!

Before Kaylee was born I had the most real fear that i would have a make-up wearing, nonsport playing, pink loving, baby doll playing, prissy, most girly girl in the world. All i can say is thank God she did not turn out like that. Well at least so far she is not like that, but i am getting little hints of what is to come and i am not so sure about it. Kaylee has grown attached to a few of her stuffed animals. So far they are the monkeys in her collection, but that is probably because she doesnt have any babies. She loves her Curious George stuffed animal and "Manny" her monkey she made at Build a Bear. She carries them around the house and has even begun including them in different things. She wants to take them to bed with her, hold them while we read stories, lays them on a pillow and covers them up, give them drinks from her cup, gives them imiginary bites from her play fork/ spoon, take them with us when we go bye-bye, have them at the table when we eat, play patty cake with them, (this one is kinda gross) she wants to get the boogies out of their nose. Kaylee has had a little head cold for the past week or so and i have been having to suck out her nose with the bulb syringe, because she hasnt figured out how to blow her nose yet. So she thinks that Manny and George need their noses sucked out too. It is so funny! She even puts them on her shoulder, pats their back, and rocks them. I just think that it is funny that all of a sudden one day out of the blue she began including them in everything. She has never been "attached" to a blanket, lovey, or animal before.

The reason why i decided to share this with you is because this morning I found something that really shocked me. Last night when i was getting dinner ready i saw her playing with her animals in the playroom. I never took the time to go see what she was doing, and was surprised to find it this morning. She had put her HUGE stuffed dog, a fox, Manny, and Smokey the dog all on one of her little pillows. This morning one of the first things she did was go an check on them. She brought George and her stuffed FedEx airplane with her and laid down with them. I thought it was so sweet!

notice how she put their heads on the pillow

I had to get a few pictures of her holding the 2 monkeys together

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