Friday, September 26, 2008

Enjoying the weather

Kaylee and I were outside the other day and I got out the sidewalk chalk for her to play with. She had trouble at first understanding that she had to push hard for it to actually make a mark on the driveway. But then she got the hang of it. She created some really interesting drawings, I couldnt quite figure them out, but i am sure she knows exactly what they are supposed to be.

I wrote her name, she made the purple mark by the K

I drew the flower, she drew the stems (all 3 of them)

As you can see in the video she takes closely after her mom and dad in some regards. I have been told that when marcus was a little boy he hated having his hands dirty, and i remember having a bar of soap in my softball bag and washing my hands each time I went into the dugout. In the video she scratches the chalk and then comes to wipe it on me. I had to stop the video so i could wipe her hands, it was quite funny to watch.

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