Thursday, September 18, 2008

Memphis Zoo

With all that happened last week with Kaylee falling of the truck, I completely forgot to post about our trip to the zoo. I have added a slideshow of a few of the pictures we took so be sure to check it out.

Kaylee loved every minute of her first trip to the zoo. Despite being tired she was such a trooper. She loved making animal sounds when she saw the animals she knew. She had quite an audience when she was making monkey sounds. And she was completely baffled as to why we would not let her kiss all of the animals. YES!!! I said kiss! She thinks that she should kiss just about everything, so why not kiss all the animals. I also thought that it was quite funny how she would tell EVERY animal "Hi" when we walked up and every time we walked away she would wave and say "bye." We even rode on of the fastest rides at the zoo and she LOVED it! I hope that i can get over my fear and take her back to the zoo again soon, I know that she will have an absolute blast!

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