Friday, February 1, 2008


So you think you know what a mop is, don’t you?

Well the kind of mop that I am referring to is on my child’s head. She has so much hair..... it is crazy! And it is SOOOOO long! I have been able to bows and clips in her hair since the day she was born. Most mommies would be ecstatic with the thought of putting bows in their "litle girl's" hair, but me, NO i could have cared less to put something in her hair. As most of you know Marcus and I both are VERY selective about what goes in her hair. So most of the time it is just pulled back into a ponytail, like her mommy’s hair. Just to get it out of the way! But recently (well about a month or so ago) she decided that she did not want her hair up like mommy’s anymore. She does not want ANYTHING in her hair! If she “knows” that there is something in her hair she pulls it out immediately. But, there have been times that I am able to sneak something into her hair, just to keep it out of her face, without her knowing. People used to always ask me how I keep her clips and ponytail holder in her hair (when she was 0-11 months old). I would always say “she never messes with it; I don’t think she even knows it is there.” Well she sure as heck figured it out! But I still am not convinced that she likes her hair down, I just think she LOVES the reaction she gets when she pulls it out…..ESPECIALLY the reaction she gets from daddy when he is driving and he sees her beginning to eat whatever she just pulled out of her hair. So now I hardly put her hair up anymore, it is long enough to tuck behind her little ears anyways. I am wondering when she will realize that she can move her hair out of her face all by herself, because if it were up to her she would walk around all day with it all in her eyes. Here is a picture of what I am greeted with when I get her out of her crib……
I mean how can you not smile when you walk into the room and see that?


Crista and Harry said...

Rabbits! Time for a hair cut - she'll love a little visit to the salon for a new coiffe!

*Princess Mommy* said...

I love it! it always makes me smile! Love you kaylee monkey!!