Sunday, February 24, 2008

Potty Training???

i wrote in my second post about Kaylee going to the "big girl potty" and "saving diapers." That is how it all started, but i think i have to admit that we have moved beyond the "saving diapers" stage. I still cant believe that we are officially in the potty training stage already. She is keeping a dry pamper almost everyday. Last week she only used 1 pamper each day, except when she was napping. And one day she did not even go during nap time. She tells me by grunting everytime she has to use the bathroom. Even when we are out in public. She has gone at the mall, at restaurants, at stores, at other peoples' houses, at a school, everywhere and anywhere we go. Which brings me to another thought, when she is going in public i think that she is much louder than usual, like she is trying to get someones attention. Needless to say, it is very embarrassing. I cant count how many times she has been on the potty in a public place and we walk out and get absoluetly STARED AT by very confused onlookers. I guess people just cant believe that i just put her on the potty.

she is very proud of her potty too! she claps and looks down to see.

I don't think she has learned how to trick me yet. I mean, almost everytime she says she has to go she actually goes. It is very strange. Only time will tell how long it will be until she is completely potty trained. So until then, i will be responding to each and every grunt with the usual stripping of the clothes and rushing to the bathroom.

I have also taken advantage of her time on the potty to work on teaching her body parts. So far she has learned; eye, ear, nose, and belly-button. We are currently working on mouth and teeth.

1 comment:

Damie said...

Yeah to the potty! What a smartie!
On an odd you want to play co-ed soccer? I didn't know if you had time with the baby, but I wanted to let you know you are very welcome on our team if you ever want back out.