Thursday, February 7, 2008

Eating us out of house and home!

Some could ask.....How could a 13 month old eat you out of house and home?

Well I'll be the first to tell you that it is COMPLETELY possible! Our little monkey has managed to build up her appetite to rival that of an adult (ok maybe not an adult, but of a child much older than herself).

Here is the proof.....
these are pictures of some of her plates

I mean some people say that we are "feeding her too much," and others say "you are feeding her all nutritious food, so what's the harm?" I just cant believe that she WANTS to eat so much.....ALL THE TIME!!! And we have not found much that the child WON'T eat. I know the time will come when she will be picky, like her mommy, but for now she will eat just about anything you put in front of her, name it......she will eat it!

And in addition to eating anything and everything, she eats like their is a pack of hungry dogs about to raid her plate. I mean it is ridiculous! She hardly breathes while she eats. She eats with both hands at the same time. And as if that weren't enough, she puts 3-4 pieces of food in her mouth at a time. it is truely a sight to see (many people gathered around to watch at my dad's party Saturday night, they were so amazed). And you try to slow her down, but then she just screams for more. So she demolishes her plate before anyone has the chance of stealing even the slightest morsel of food.

She likes to play this game with anyone who is eating with her. She offers them a piece of her food and then right as they are going to take it she puts it in her mouth and laughs. I swear it is the EXACT same thing that Joaquin Phoenix does to Reese Witherspoon in the movie 'Walk the Line.' The scene where they are laying in bed eating peanuts (i think) and he keeps acting like he is going to give her one but never does. That is EXACTLY what she does with her food. (I promise she has never seen that movie) And she laughs about it, like she knows that it is funny! So now the game has moved from people to Tahoe. She does this with him while she is eating too. it is quite a show, cause sometimes she leaves the food down at his level just a second too long and then HE gets the last laugh, not her.


Anonymous said...

well martinez have good appetites. we love to eat and it has to be home made. my son rocky likes flower tortillas but love mommy's better. concha

*Princess Mommy* said...

oink oink oink little piggy!
hehehe!! You know I love that chunky monkey super model baby!
Fat babies are cuter anyways :)