Thursday, January 31, 2008

Who does Kaylee look like?

So i was in the Oakland Post Office yesterday mailing one of those stupid slides that i am attempting to sell on Ebay. Kaylee, being the little socialite she is, was talking to a nice, or so i thought she was nice, lady that was in the line in front of us. The 2 of them are going back and forth with the "whas dat?" Kaylee was pointing to everything on the walls and the lady would tell her what it was. Then the lady looks at me and says, "she must look like her daddy." I was crushed! I mean i know that she looks A LOT like Marcus, but for a perfect stranger to notice and then says that to me. I guess i just have not gotten used to it yet. and the worst is when people look at me like she is not even my child, like i am babysitting her or something.
Especially when we are with marcus' sisters, then people think that one of them is her mommy. i said it before, i am going to get a shirt to wear when we are out together with Kaylee and it is going to say, "I'm the Mommy."

So i decided to leave it up to you......I posted a poll. After reading this go and vote for yourself. you tell me whether she looks more like me or marcus. and i promise i wont be offended by the results of the poll


Confessions said...

i put kaylee's picture on the fridge. when matt got home after y'all had visited, he goes, "uh, you think that's michele's baby!"- as in, "she looks just like michele." so some people do think she looks like you! we all know the cutest things about her are from you anyway.... :)

Damie said...

okay, I voted ugghhh Marcus. But, she definately has some Meehan in her for sure!!!!

You should check out the funny post I wrote on Bekah. I called her the smelly one, but we both know who the real smelly one is!