Thursday, February 21, 2008

1st Dentist Visit

So i mentioned in a previous post that Kaylee had her first dentist appointment this month, well it was today.

She did awesome!
Well up until the dentist tried to touch her.

She was walking around the office like she owned the place, talking to everyone, laughing, and having a good ol time. Then they called us back. She got to sit on my lap and watch other kids and she was still happy. The dentist came up to talk to her and she was still happy. He walked away (which i thought was a good move), and when he came back to actually look at her teeth she completely fell apart! I mean she lost it! So all the dentist did was check her teeth breifly and then we left.

So i think, in Kaylee's eyes, the dentist is in the same boat as Santa Claus. She is not too fond of either of them.

I guess we will just have to try again next time.

1 comment:

*Princess Mommy* said...

HA!! when Bella did the same thing, my dentist said, "Well, at least I got a good look at her teeth! Some kids won't open their mouth!" HA!!