Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day this year was quite an exciting day for us! I am typically NOT a fan of this "Hallmark Holiday". I feel like you should show the people you love how much you love them EVERYDAY, not some random day in February. And I especially dont like getting fresh cut flowers, i feel like they are just another thing I need to take care of and remember to feed and no matter how good I care for them they die in a matter of days. They are such a waste of money!

i had a not-so-typical day planned that included a visit to the pediatrician for ALL THREE girls. Kaylee needed her 2nd 5 year old shot, Ainslee needed her 3 year old check up, and Brynlee needed her 2 month check up and shots. But before we could get out the door, daddy came home with a few surprises for us. He brought me some lilies (he didnt get the memo the first 14 years we were together, about the fresh cut flowers wink), some chocolate and white chocolate covered strawberries, and 2 gluten free goodies from a local bakery. We were literally minutes away from walking out the door and I didnt really have time to enjoy all my goodies. The girls and I shared the strawberries and I asked him how I should store the gluten free treats to eat later (in the fridge or out on the counter). Thankfully he didnt know so I made him call the bakery and ask.  The owner was SO relieved when he called because they had made a HUGE mistake and given him something that was NOT gluten free! Had I eaten one of the treats I could would have gotten really sick! The owner urged him to return to the store for a replacement treat.

Marcus also wanted to get a picture of the girls wearing their Valentine's shirts. Ainslee wasnt being very cooperative, so I ended up having to be in the picture too. Here are all his girls......

Then off we were to the doctor. Let me just say I will NEVER schedule all three appointments at the same time if I have to go by myself. I didnt feel like I could ask questions, listen to answers, or even think straight during the mass craziness! But here are the results from the visit......

12lbs 11oz which they said is the 29th percentile (I think this might be a mistake, I dont know many other nearly 13lb 2 month olds)
24in long which is the 95th percentile
24cm head circumference which is 19th percentile
She got one vaccination since she is on an alternative schedule, she cried for a few seconds until I picked her up. Overall she did great. The doctor was amazed by how much she was trying to "talk". She said she is growing perfectly, and we are going to continue the reflux meds for a little longer.

34lbs which is the 80th percentile
37in long which is the 56th percentile
Ainslee seems to be in a weight growth spurt which has caused her BMI to be not exactly ideal (too high). The doctor doesnt seem concerned at this point but says it is something we are going to need to watch in the coming months/year. She really seems this is due to the fact that we caught her at the wrong time. Besides that she is perfect, as I already knew!

She threw a massive fit when it was time for her shot. She has NEVER cried for her shots. Even as an infant she would fuss for a second (literally). She gets a shot EVERY week for the past 2.5 years and doesnt bat an eye! Her fit this time was so bad that they had to call in another nurse to help. It took 3 of us to hold her down. I dont know what had gotten into her. Besides that fiasco she was good at the doctor. Her fit did continue in the car so we had to skip our special lunch plans and go straight to Amma's for nap. I put her straight to bed with no lunch and she slept over 2 hours, which is unheard of these days.

My mom was headed out to run errands and I asked her to stop by the bakery to get me my free GF treat. She came back with not only 1 but 2 delicious treats!

this was one of them, I'm not exactly sure what it was but it was DIVINE, the other was a slice of coconut cream cake that was so delicious too!
If I could eat gluten I swear i would weigh 500 pounds

I hope you all had a fantastic Valentine's Day!

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