Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Brynlee -- the early days

What I've learned in the first two THREE weeks as a mommy of 3 little girls.

I've been compiling this post for some time now, it was supposed to be my post last week, but obviously that didnt happen, so here it is now........a week late.

First of all I would like to note that as expected my brain cells have NOT returned after the birth of Brynlee. In fact, more and more keep slipping away, therefore Im becoming more and more forgetful (I didnt want to use a harsher word to describe myself, even though it is probably more appropriate).

I decided I wanted to take the time lapse photos of our growing girl but I seemed to get off on the wrong foot and forgot the FIRST week picture! I remembered with week #2 and am planning on taking week 3 shot today.

We've been doing a whole lotta running errands staying out late and spending time with family
Loving cosleeping but sure now much marcus loves "hanging off the edge of bed" but I enjoy all the snuggle time with her right next to me or on top of me
We have mastered the whole nursing thing. Thankfully again I have been given a willing and patient baby to work with.

Just like her sisters, I could kiss her fat little cheeks ALL day long!
We have been pooed and peed on countless times (one of the countless PROS of breastfeeding....wink), but like everyting this has gotten better as the days go by
She has been gaining weight like a champ weighing in at 8lbs 14 oz at her 2 week check. By now Im convinced she is well over the 9lb mark
We gave her her 1st bath ever. When I say ever I mean EVER. She wasnt bathed in the hospital (per my request) and then upon coming home we had some umbilical cord issues that required us to refrain from bathing. But rest assured she was not out playing in the mud and by no means was she stinky, and now she is all cleaned and smelling of lavender and chamomile. Oh and she LOVED her bath, just like her big sisters.
Takes naps in swing, bouncy seat, mommy/daddy's bed, kaylee's bed, not to mention anyone and every ones arms

Sometimes when i sit back and think, i can NOT believe I have been given these 3 girls to love and raise. And in those moments I feel truly blessed and proud to be their mommy! I wouldnt trade them for anything!
She is such a noisy little sleeper she smiles and coos in her sleep, so much so that when Im talking on the phone people can hear her. It is such a sweet sound to listen to.
Loves when kaylee holds her, falls asleep almost every time. Kaylee is getting pretty good at soothing her when she is upset, and Brynlee has begun to notice the sound of Kaylee's voice. When she hears it she lifts her head and looks around to find her.
I have successfully forgotten to refill diaper bag plenty of times but even better.......I've managed to forget the entire diaper bag on occasion as well (at least I remember the baby)
I've sort of managed to keep up with the house/cooking largely due to the massive help I'm getting from my fabulous husband!
She had to have 2 rounds of silver nitrate on her belly button after the cord was removed a bit prematurely, but it has finally healed and is doing good.
She LOVES the Sleepy Wrap, I took the girls to the zoo by myself last week.  Our new stroller came in super handy and I realized just how awesome it was on this trip. I had Brynlee in the sleepy wrap almost the entire time we were at the zoo and I had both seats on the stroller for the big girls. I was planning on having my car seat adapter delivered in time for this trip, but it didnt arrive so I had to improvise. My new arrangement worked perfectly. Kaylee sat in the front seat of the stroller facing FORWARD while Ainslee sat in the back seat facing BACKWARD. This made it easier for them to get in an out by themselves. So I carried Brynlee (approx 9lbs) and pushed the 2 of them (approx 80lbs) plus the weight of the stroller and all of our "stuff" around the zoo for about 3 1/2 hours, and it wasnt a problem. Even going up hills the stroller was easy to maneuver.

Does not spit up at all! This is a huge change from Ainslee who suffered from major reflux problems. It is weird nice having a baby who can wear an outfit an entire day and it still isn't dirty from spit up or poo (kaylee would poo out of any and all diapers on a daily basis, Ainslee possessed this talent as well but not quite to the extent kaylee had)

I have successfully managed to get all 3 girls down for naps at the same time on more than one occasion. Why I didn't take a nap during that time is beyond me! Maybe next time I should take advantage of that time and catch up on some sleep.

Pumped 100+ oz before my milk finally leveled off got a good start to my frozen stash, we are trying to plan a date night for Marcus and I to go to the movies, so this stash will come in handy in the coming weeks.

Our first night home I told kaylee "brynlee's doctor said you aren't supposed to come into my room before your green light comes on" she will actually listen and sleep better for the most part. Wish I wouldve thought of that sooner. ;)

Brynlee LOVES my side of the bed best (probably because it smells like me) and she prefers sleeping on her right side. If placed on her back she will almost always roll herself to her side. I am really liking the cosleeping arrangement, but I am planning on getting my pack and play back soon so that Brynlee can take naps in it and maybe even sleep in it for a few stretches at night too. I am terrified of the idea that she will hard to transition into her own bed when the time comes.

Brynlee isnt a huge fan of the car, she does pretty good in it, but almost every time we stop she cries. Im hoping that this isnt a sign of whats to come. I would like to keep her in her in her infant seat for longer than her sisters, currently the record is like 4 1/2 months held by Ainslee.

The postpartum issues i mentioned in my last post have almost completely faded away. I still have very vivid flashbacks but they are getting better as time goes on. I'm no longer sad to be on my own, or even alone with Brynlee. I have had the opportunity to have time away from the big girls as well as limited time away from Bryn, which has been nice.

Im sure Ive learned more these past 3 weeks but due to my limited brain cells i have forgotten them.

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