Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Back in the saddle again...

Well folks we have hit the ground running again. We have been successfully doing our "school" for the past week and a half (or so). I have decided to cut our school week down to 4 (sometimes 3) days. I figure this is PREschool and I just cant fit 5 days of school into our schedule right now. With that said we have been working, and Im trying to find the time to get more activities planned for the girls. It makes me sad that i have so so SO many ideas of things I could be doing with them, but dont have the time to get them ready. I need an extra 4 hours a week to plan and prepare, maybe I need to make more sacrifices on the weekends to get this accomplished.

anyways here are a few pictures of what we have been doing.

she made the letter "Aa" out of one of her Christmas gifts. My sister gave the girls a BUNCH of bendaroos. They are like wikki stix (was covered, bendable thingys). 

I have been trying to emphasize correct letter formation and placement and was STOKED when I saw her complete this assignment. We are working on color and number sight words, she had to copy the word yellow and write it 2 times. Kaylee is not one to take her time with anything, and until lately she could care less about her handwriting. I am going to ride this train as long as she will let me.....we have been working diligently on correct letter formation, hope it sinks in!

Here was an activity that she requested I take a picture of to show you. She had to fill in the missing letters on the page. (it is hard to see, but there WERE letters missing)

One day she chose water coloring for her "free time". She worked for a solid 25 minutes on this page. And once again, if you know Kaylee you know that 25 minutes spent doing anything is an accomplishment. I might have a budding artist on my hands (wink). 

More handwriting. She had to copy my letters. The next day I had her write her alphabet by herself. Oh and ignore the "my name" on the top, it was a printable page from confessions of a homeschooler. It is the only paper I have with 3 lines on it. I need to make my own printable pages with the red and blue lines lines.
We have been slowly but surely moving right along through our lessons. And I am so excited about registering for a homeschool conference that is coming in April. I cant wait to get ideas for curriculums for our upcoming school year. As always, I will keep you guys posted.

1 comment:

Amma said...

Finally got to "catch up" on your posts! Today was splendid: meeting for lunch, holding Bryn, getting shots, spending time with K & A, shopping, & delivering supplies for upcoming birthday project!!! Watching K turn 5 was wonderful...
however, nothing like watching a grown daughter take care of 3 very ACTIVE bee-utiful daughters... AWESOME!!!