Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Birthday Girl

Kaylee turned FIVE!!!

I can NOT believe I am the mommy of a 5 year old, where has the time gone? I still have vivid memories of the day she was born, and I hope that those memories stay with me forever!

Kaylee had quite the birthday weekend
We opted for a simple family party, but instead it turned into a huge weekend FULL of activities
It all started at the mall, because Kaylee had decided months ago that she wanted to get her ears pierced, and even after I told her exactly what was going to happen (including the pain part) she still wanted them pierced.  She was hardly phased by the pain, she was more concerned by all the commotion going on around her. We had a total of 12 people there who came to watch, plus all the other people in the mall that stopped to watch as well.  It was quite an ordeal.
She barely even flinched after they pierced them, while I was about to cry, she was sitting there brave as can be even after one of the guns got stuck and the lady had to pull the trigger again.  Oh and I let her pick out her earrings and she picked the PINK daisies. (how did I end up with girly girls???)

After the ear piercing we all made our way to the trampolines. Kaylee, Ainslee, and their friend Bella all had a turn bouncing high. I dont think Ainslee's smile could get any bigger!
After the trampoline came the carousel rides, then Kaylee, Ainslee, Bella, Johnny, and B (Mary's boyfriend) piled into a hurricane simulator and let the wind blow them around, then we all left and went to eat. Kaylee picked Shogun for her birthday dinner. And we had a BLAST eating, singing, opening gifts, and enjoying each others company.

The next day we all went to the zoo to go ice skating. The girls were SUPER excited about this, and while Marcus and I werent sure if we were going to allow Ainslee to participate, she knew she was going to get to show her stuff. Im so glad that we let her have a try, it was so fun watching her and she surprised the heck out of me with her natural ability.

This is a video of one of the ice workers pushing Kaylee around in a chair. That was her favorite part! Lets just say Kaylee wasnt too thrilled about the whole ice skating adventure, she wanted to get off the ice almost from the moment she stepped onto it.  But she was a trooper and suffered through it, holding the wall, my hand, Aunt Mary's hand, or Uncle Johnny's hand.

After the man pushed Kaylee in the chair he told us a way they teach children how to skate is by pushing people in a chair. So he showed Kaylee what to do and off we went. Kaylee actually did quite well pushing Ainslee around the ice.

Here is Kaylee skating in between Uncle Johnny and me

Watch towards the end of this clip, Ainslee decided she wanted to skate by herself without holding any ones hand. I was entirely too scared to try this, so I just barely held her hand and was there to grab it when she started to fall. She did WAY better than I expected. She was able to balance and move on her own with little/no assistance from me. She was also able to catch herself when she started to fall. And she LOVED every minute of it!

After the zoo we took the girls to bubble tea for the final treat of the weekend. I have to say that everyone had such a fantastic time and I enjoyed seeing the girls so happy to have everyone together and doing all the fun activities.

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